Students passing through Garrett Hall were given a unique opportunity to take part in the Pie Your Professor event on Mar. 14. This is also known as Pi Day due to its congruence with the value of Pi.
This event hosted by the Southeastern Marketing Association, offered students the chance to smash a pie tin of whipped cream into their professors’ faces for $3 a pie.
Proceeds from this event will go toward events SMA is hosting this semester as well as a gift from the association to give back to the department.
“The marketing association is raising money for our second social this semester,” said marketing senior Lindsay Grace, an officer in SMA. “We’re also raising money to give a gift back to Garrett Hall from SMA.”
Despite funding these events, the bigger motivation for SMA was raising awareness of the club and encouraging students to be more active in this organization.
“We’d like to bring more awareness to SMA and get more students involved so they know what SMA is about,” said Grace.
Students had trouble deciding which professors they wanted to pie, awhile others pied multiple professors. Many were excited to pie their favorite instructors from previous semesters.
“I’m excited to see Dr. Jones participate,” said Grace. “Just because he’s so funny and outgoing, and I think that it’ll be really awesome to see him get pied.”
Overall the students were gentle during the pie smashing. Meghan Russell, a senior marketing major, expressed her concern for the professor she chose to pie.
“I pied Dr. Budden, the marketing professor,” said Russell. “I had him last semester. He was one of my favorite professors and the nicest guy you’ll ever meet. It was really fun pieing him, but I tried to make it really soft so I wouldn’t hurt him or anything.”
Dr. Michael Budden, a marketing and supply chain management professor was one of 10 professors who volunteered to be pied for this cause. He expressed pride in the accomplishments of SMA and looks forward to seeing them continue to impact their community.
“I want to see them do great things, and they’ve done great things,” said Budden. “They need money to do more good stuff. So, I’m glad to do this.”
This event surpassed its goals and was a fun detour from the stress many students encounter mid-semester.
“Our goal was to make over $100,” said Grace. “We ended up making $159 and selling 53 pies. The event was a success and a fun way to promote SMA and to create a fun atmosphere for students and staff.”
The officers of SMA hope to see an increased turnout at their meetings. Upcoming events for SMA include their second social at the end of April and a marketing breakfast at the end of this semester.