University Police Officer 2-A Earl Thomas III received the title of 2017 of the Year partly because of his commitment to forming connections with the community. Thomas enjoys working with UPD’s social media pages. Larshell Green/The Lion's Roar
University Police Officer 2-A Earl Thomas III was selected as University Police Department’s 2017 Officer of the Year. The New Orleans native began working for the department as a student worker in Aug. 2014. Outside of the office, Thomas is pursuing a bachelor’s degree at the university and serves as a referee and organizer of the university’s intramural sports teams. Thomas’ most celebrated personal accomplishments revolve around the connection that police officers have the ability to create with the community.
The Lion’s Roar: How do you feel about obtaining the honor of Officer of the Year?
Earl Thomas III: I am grateful and honored to receive the Officer of the Year award. It shows that my hard work doesn’t go unnoticed.
TLR: What sparked your interest in becoming an officer for the university?
Earl Thomas III: I always knew I wanted a career in law enforcement my entire life. Coming to college and becoming a student worker, working with the University Police Department furthered that idea and mixed with the wonderful people that already worked for the department, I was sold.
TLR: What job positions have you previously held?
Earl Thomas III: Before becoming a full-time officer, I worked as a UPD Building Checker and Housing Cadet.
TLR: What is your favorite event to help out at?
Earl Thomas III: My favorite event is our new “Blue-and-You” events. I like that event because it allows us, as officers, to meet with the students and get to know them. They get to know and hang out with us.
TLR: What do your duties consist of?
Earl Thomas III: I perform patrols of campus on foot, bicycle and in patrol car. I also respond to traffic incidents, domestic disputes and various reports of criminal activity.
TLR: How did you gain knowledge of social media and why have you chosen to operate the department’s social media pages?
Earl Thomas III: I didn’t really gain knowledge per say, I’m only 22 years old so I’ve been using social media all my life. As far as the department’s social media goes, I use it as a way to show the other side of police work and use it as an interaction tool with the students and visitors to campus.
TLR: What degree are you pursuing at the university?
Earl Thomas III: I am currently pursuing my undergraduate degree in criminal justice.
TLR: What do you hope to accomplish upon graduation?
Earl Thomas III: After graduation I hope to continue my career in law enforcement going wherever it may take me.
TLR: What do you want people to know about police officers?
Earl Thomas III: I want students, visitors and staff members to know that not all police officers are mean. We like to laugh and joke around like everyone else. I also want everyone to know that officers are approachable and just because we are around, that doesn’t mean that someone is in trouble.
TLR: What was your number one goal when you accepted your position at the university? Has it changed? Why or why not?
Earl Thomas III: One of my primary goals when I started as an officer was to improve the relationship between the Southeastern community and the University Police Department. That goal has not changed because I feel that the better the relationship we have, the more we can improve the campus community.