The flooding of the University Center floor due to the several inches of rain put a halt to Greek Week festivities.
Last Thursday afternoon, Greek Week was planned to end with the annual Stepshow competition, however the event was postponed due to severe weather that moved throughout the Hammond area.
“Order of Omega and Office of Student Engagement are actively working to reschedule pending a new location and time,” said Assistant Director of Office of Student Engagement Kyle Gallagher. “We are looking into possibly holding the event next week. We are hoping to hold the event before Spring Break. Other venues we could possibly use are Strawberry Stadium and Pottle Auditorium.”
According to Gallagher, in years past, Stepshow took place on the 50-yard line of Strawberry Stadium before the competition was moved to the more familiar location of the University Center.
When rescheduled, the rules of the competition will remain the same. The sororities and fraternities will follow the theme as they step through the decades.
The Greek Week awards will be presented at a ceremony following the competition announcing the Stepshow and overall Greek Week winners.
Gallagher hopes to have definite answers by the end of the week.