When beginning college, Neil Bourgeois was a music education major. Now a senior communication major and a leadership intern in the Office of Student Engagement, Bourgeois was selected for the Undergraduate Fellows Program which is sponsored by the National Association of Student Personnel Administrators. This program was intended to help students with future careers in Student Affairs and Bourgeois is prepared to take on this program.
“I am looking forward to the experience I will get from this program,” said Bourgeois. “I am excited to learn more about the profession of Student Affairs.”
Bourgeois will work under his current mentor Director of the Office of Student Engagement Dr. Pamela Rault.
“Dr. Rault has had a key part in me being where I am now and will continue to help me grow and prepare for graduate school and a future in the profession,” said Bourgeois. “She is always there to give me advice and help look at things like a Student Affairs professional would.”
Bourgeois is looking into a future in Student Affairs and is looking to attend graduate school for Student Affairs.
“I have to go to graduate school to pursue a career in Student Affairs,” said Bourgeois. “I do have hopes of getting my doctorate in leadership eventually. I am looking at multiple schools, but University of Arkansas is at the top of my list.”
Bourgeois believes that his current leadership position will assist with a future career in Student Affairs.
“I don’t know where I would like to work, but I do know I would like to work with Greek Life or Student Leadership,” said Bourgeois.
As his current mentor, Dr. Rault has already been a part of Bourgeois’ journey but he already plans on learning more.
“I hope to gain a better understanding of what it takes to be in Student Affairs,” said Bourgeois. “I hope I will get more knowledge and experience, so I can stand out against other applicants when applying graduate school.”
Bourgeois started college with a different idea in mind than Student Affairs.
“I did not see myself doing this when I first got to Southeastern,” said Bourgeois. “I started off as a music education major with plans to be a high school band director. I believe that everything happens for a reason and that I am meant to work in Student Affairs.”