Zac and Cari Caramonta were awarded the Lantern Award for their growth as a business in the three years since they started the Gnarly Barley Brewing Co. They will introduce a university brand beer on Aug. 5 in time for football season.
Jonathan Rhodes/The Lion’s Roar
Gnarly Barley Brewing Co. was awarded the 2017 Lantern Award for its achievement in growth since opening three years ago.
They are the first business in Tangipahoa Parish to win the award since 2010. Zac Caramonta, part owner and founder of Gnarly Barley Brewing Co., shared how they felt about earning the honor.
“Definitely unexpected,” said Zac Caramonta. “We got contacted by some people who thought we should apply and put in an application. We got a call, and they said, ‘Hey, they are actually gonna choose y’all as one of the people getting an award.’”
The Lantern Award is given every year to each of the eight regions of the state to recognize the businesses that have made the most economic growth in the first three years of being open. Both Zac and his wife Cari Caramonta were present at the governor’s mansion to receive the award along with the other winners.
Zac Caramonta considers it an honor to win the award and represent the Hammond community.
“This award not only is given for growth, but also, for the commitment to the community,” said Zac Caramonta. “We were the smallest company to be awarded an award, but it is definitely quite an honor. I think Elmer Chocolate was the last one in Tangipahoa Parish to get the award so that’s pretty cool.”
The support that Gnarly Barley Brewing Co. gets from the community shows Zac Caramonta the type of impact that the business has had on Hammond.
“It’s kind of awesome to see that people have taken to us and jumped on board with what we are doing,” said Zac Caramonta. “To be able to get the community excited in some way, and to help the community, is really cool. At the end of the day, we are just doing what we love. We love beer, and we love craft beer. We get to live out our dream and make it for a living, but we are also able to make our little community proud.”
It has always been part of the plan to become the business that Gnarly Barley Brewing Co. is today and to flourish in this small community.
“It definitely was in the plan to keep growing and do what we are doing,” said Zac Caramonta. “Everything is kind of like a blessing. We started this as complete outsiders to the industry, so we have big plans. Every time we’ve succeed it’s like winning the lottery each time. We have been able to stay grounded and appreciate the little victories, so all of these really do mean a lot to us. I’m really fortunate to be here doing what we are doing.”
Gnarly Barley Brewing Co. has had a partnership with the university for a couple of years. The business has participated in events and donated beer when possible.
In August, Gnarly Barley Brewing Co. will be releasing a university brand beer called “Lion Up.” The beer will contain American wheat ale and the label will be green and gold with spirited lions around it.
“We feel honored to partner with the university where we met and graduated,” said Zac Caramonta. “Southeastern is a big part of our lives. We will do an actual event at the brewery so people will be able to see the beer by the cans.”
The idea is to produce it only for the fall semesters during football season. However, the Caramonta’s hope to possibly extend it to be available year round.
“Maybe that will change, maybe it will be a whole year thing, but it would be kind of hectic for our schedule,” said Zac Caramonta. “We’re really excited about it. The can looks great, and the design looks great. My sister-in-law does all of our graphics, and she does a really good job for us.”
Gnarly Barley will unveil the “Lion Up” beer on Aug. 5 at the brewery from 12 to 5 p.m.