After a year of sitting out due to an arm injury, senior catcher/infielder Jameson Fisher will be returning to the baseball field for the 2016 season. Although the road to recovery was a long one, Fisher found a role for himself while sitting on the sidelines.
“It was a humbling experience,” said Fisher. “That year was supposed to be a big year for us. It was supposed to be a big year for me. Towards the end of fall, I never had to sit out a game for an injury for an extended period of time and so it was really humbling to have everything taken from me right there. That’s when I went back to, ‘What’s my role now? ‘How can I glorify God now by sitting on the sidelines?’ It was definitely hard to get adjusted. But once I got past the first few games of spring, it was pretty easy to sit in that role.”
Fisher is a top ranked draft-eligible prospect, ranks sixth in the state and is one of 30 All-Louisiana players for the Lions since 1997. Through all of his accomplishments, Fisher’s main goal is to glorify God through playing.
“I play the game for God and I want to glorify Jesus Christ,” said Fisher. “When I say I want to be on the platform, what I mean is when someone is in the stands and they see me, I want to point people to God. When they see me, I want them to see Him.”
Fisher, along with pitcher Domenick Carlini, outfielder/infielder Webb Bobo and more, plays a part in a weekly Bible study. The players formed the Bible study as a way to discuss their faith and see how God works both on and off the field.
“Baseball is just our platform that we use to point others to Christ,” said Fisher. “We got together in fall 2014 when I got hurt. We said, ‘We’re going to get together and we’re going to start this Bible study for spring 2015.’ That’s something we started, and it’s really helping us, the players and men in general. I hope it keeps going on the team when we leave.”
According to Fisher, the team has a strong bond which has provided an opportunity to form many relationships.
“Just being here, I can say this is one of the best decisions I’ve ever made,” said Fisher. “Being able to make relationships with people and friends, getting to know people like Webb, forming Bible studies and reaching out to guys, getting close off the field with guys, building bonds with guys is what it’s all about.”
Fisher finds support not only among his teammates but also from his family. Fisher’s family played a role in him playing baseball as a child leading to his position at Southeastern.
“Baseball is something that we have just grown up with,” said Fisher. “My dad is always at the games with a video camera, not missing anything. Baseball is definitely a huge part of our family, and I’m very grateful for my parents because without them taking me everywhere and tournaments when I was little, I wouldn’t be where I am today.”
Fisher recalled in detail his experience as a child when he began to play his much-loved sport.
“Probably when I was about 5 years old. I remember my dad looking at me. He said, ‘Jameson, you want to play T-ball or you want to play coaches pitch?’ I said, ‘I want to play coaches pitch, dad,’” said Fisher. “I remember that moment to this day. I remember that moment very clearly.”
Since that moment, Fisher has been working towards his dreams and goals.
“I want to go as far as I can whether that’s the big leagues or not,” said Fisher. “If I get on that stage who knows the amount of people I can impact. So that’s really the goal. To get as high as I can because the bigger the platform I’m on, the more people I can impact for God. So that’s the goal, if it doesn’t work out or when I’m done, I plan on coaching or doing ministry work on the side.”
The Lion’s first game of the season will be Feb. 19 at 6:00 p.m. at the Pat Kenelly Diamond at Alumni Field.