I was always told when I was little that the shortest distance between two points is a straight line. When it comes to walking to class, the mall or just anywhere outside, I don’t normally use the crosswalk.
If a crosswalk happens to be in the direction of where I am going, I will use it. On the other hand, if there is no crosswalk, I will not make the extra effort to go find one.
Some people just dart in front of cars and do not pay attention to where they are walking. If you are not going to use the crosswalks, you should at least watch for cars that are passing. As a person who does not use crosswalks, I always make sure there are no cars passing before I just walk into the street. I do not want to get killed because I did not use the crosswalk, so I look both ways beforehand.
Driving through Friendship Circle is nerve-racking. Students are always crossing the street, especially when people are getting out of class or going to class. Some drivers are rude and do not even stop, but if you are not in a crosswalk, technically they have the right of way. Students always complain that cars drive fast through Friendship Circle. Most of those students are the ones who do not use crosswalks. I will admit to not using them, but sometimes drivers do not stop for those using the crosswalk.
Safety is important. You should be aware of your surroundings and not dart into the street. This does not only apply on campus, but anywhere there are people walking. Streets and parking lots can be busy. You should always check if there is a crosswalk near you. If there is not, just cross the street, but look both ways for your own safety.
Using a crosswalk protects the people walking and the people driving. You may not want to walk the extra 50 feet, but you could be saving your life. Crosswalks were put on the ground for safety reasons, not decoration. They are there to make sure cars and people walking are safe no matter where they drive or walk.
When you are little, you are taught to look both ways before you cross the street. The same thing applies when you are older. You should never just cross the street. You never know when a car is passing or not. Be aware that the car may not see you, and if you are walking around campus at night, make sure that you are not wearing dark clothing.
Just make sure you are aware of your surroundings especially at night. Using a crosswalk may be able to keep me safe, but I still believe the shortest distance between two points is a straight line.