With everything going on in our world, women marching for women’s rights just baffles my mind. Where do women get this strange idea that we do not have rights? I have rights everyday. I have the right to give my opinion. I have the right to vote. I have the right to go to school. I have the right to do anything I want to do.
Some women think that men have more rights than women. Please tell me since when could I not do the same thing as a man. If I want to go deadlift 150 lbs., I can. It may be slightly difficult because I do not lift, but I have the right to learn.
It is commonly known that men are carpenters, firemen or lawyers. Well, news flash, if a woman wants to be a carpenter, she can do it. If a woman wants to be a fireman and save people from burning buildings, she can. If a woman wants to defend someone in a trial, she has the right to do that.
Something that wasn’t broadcasted on the news like the Women’s March was the March for Life. The March for Life is a march to protest abortions. How can you say that you are pro-women and be okay with a woman killing her baby? As a woman who is pro-life, I believe that the moment a baby is conceived it is a human. A woman killing her unborn baby is that woman taking away her child’s right. That baby has a beating heart. That baby is its own person. I believe that a baby should have the same rights as any other person in the country. I just don’t understand why a woman wants to preach about not having rights then take away a child’s life and rights by having an abortion. That makes absolutely no sense to me.
I know that Trump being elected as our president is something no one expected, but it happened. He doesn’t speak very highly about women and says unfavorable things but that has not changed your rights. You can still do anything you have done before. We need to stop thinking about the negative and look for the positive. These women were marching for many reasons, but most were marching because they were pro-women. So, who are you to tell me that I am not pro-women because I didn’t march?
The next thing that makes no sense to me is since when did we start letting others’ beliefs dictate who we are? Our differences make us who we are. Just because my best friend believes something different than I do, that doesn’t mean I will look at her differently. I will not judge her for what she believes in. I think we need to continue our beliefs but not put anyone down for theirs.
I think our biggest problem is our negativity. People are complaining about what Trump is doing, but why are people stooping down to his level? People are taking their anger out by breaking the law and protesting. Why are we protesting for women’s rights? Last time I checked as a woman, I can do anything I wanna do.
Everyone has a right to do what he or she wants. Women can do what they want with their bodies, but I believe having an abortion and taking away that baby’s right just goes against why a woman was marching.