Cheerleader Michael Vinsanau and Roomie display the Lion Up symbol on the Green and
Gold fire truck during the 2013 Homecoming Parade. The Lion’s Roar / Fernanda Chagas
In the fall, there are many opportunities for rest, relaxation and fun on campus in addition to fall sporting events. Sometimes small treats are offered to brighten the day or students get a chance at friendly competition.
Every Monday Campus Activities Board will offer free snowballs to students throughout day.
“We like to find the balance between the big events and small ongoing stuff just to enhance the day-to-day college experience,” said Todd McElroy, coordinator of CAB. “So we thought this would be a nice way to do something all semester long.”
According to McElroy, the snowballs have been a major success, being very popular at the orientations during the summer. He attributed the success to the Louisiana heat.
CAB will begin handing out these refreshing treats on the first Monday of classes, so be on the look out as you walk through campus.
Get ready to grab a blanket, sit back and relax for a night. The department will continue hosting movie nights, providing an opportunity for students to take a break from their studies and watch a movie while enjoying fresh air.
The first movie night will take place Sept. 3 outside of the Pennington Student Activity Center. As for what movie will be playing, it is still being decided between ‘X-Men: Days of Future Past,’ ‘The Edge of Tomorrow’ and ‘The Other Woman.’ Popcorn and various drinks will be offered throughout the movie.
In addition, the school is planning to revisit the past by hosting a drive-in movie one night near Halloween. The movie screen will be put on the edge of the parking lot so students will be able to pull up in their cars and watch the movie by tuning into a certain radio station the university provides.
CAB will also be planning trips to the local theater, where a theater room will be rented for students to enjoy a movie at no expense.
Homecoming is one of the biggest fall events at Southeastern, where alumni are invited to join everyone on campus to celebrate Lion pride.
Multiple events and activities take place throughout the week leading up to the football game. Teams and organizations competing to win Homecoming Week create banners and decorate local shop windows according to the year’s Homecoming theme.
Gumbo Ya Ya brings something special to the excitement of Homecoming Week: good ol’ Louisiana cooking. The CAB sponsored event is an ongoing Homecoming tradition, serving gumbo years longer than most can remember.
This year Gumbo Ya-Ya will take place on Oct. 15 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. outside the Student Union. Students are free to enjoy gumbo, cupcakes and more.
“I enjoy [Gumbo Ya Ya],” said McElroy. “It’s a chance to get a large portion of the university together, and it helps create a sense of community.”
On Thursday, Oct. 16, the Lip Sync competition and bonfire will take place on north campus. This is one of the biggest opportunities for organizations competing during Homecoming Week to earn points.
On the day of the Homecoming game, there will be the traditional Homecoming parade, a tailgating contest and the Lion Walk for former football players.
Students, cheerleaders, Lionettes, Greek Organizations and the Homecoming Court parade through Friendship Circle, the final destination of the parade, building campus excitement and showing their Lion pride.
Homecoming Day is Saturday, Oct. 18. The game will be at 7 p.m., where the Southeastern Lions will battle it out against the Central Arkansas Bears in Strawberry Stadium. The new Homecoming King and Queen will be crowned during halftime.
The Miss Southeastern pageant has given students the opportunity to represent Southeastern for more than 50 years.
Miss Southeastern is a scholarship pageant which is a part of the Miss America system. The pageant will take place Nov. 1 at 7 p.m. in the Student Theatre.
The contestants will compete in five categories: interview, fitness, evening gown, onstage question and talent. Miss Southeastern 2015 will receive one year’s tuition while the first and second runner-ups are awarded a semester of paid tuition.
The winner is aided by the school in her preparation to compete in the Miss Louisiana pageant.
Miss Southeastern acts as a spokesperson for the university and community at various events, including Chef’s Evening and the Homecoming parade.
“It is a good chance to see some of the talent Southeastern has,” said McElroy. “It’s a running tradition.”
Informational meetings will take place during the beginning of the semester. Contact CAB at (985)549-3805 for more information.