Phi Mu, Theta Chi and Kappa Sigma performed their “Willy Wonka” themed performance during the Greek Stepshow. The show consisted of Willy Wonka showing Roomie the Lion the sights of his chocolate factory. The Greek Stepshow involved multiple Greek organizations coming together to both compete and work together to win the evening.
Nathaniel Callaway/The Lion’s Roar
Each year, Greek Week ends with the Stepshow, which is an event where different teams made up of fraternities and sororities work together to compete to see who has the best performance and who are the overall winners of the week. The show was held on Apr. 6 at 7 p.m., and the performances each had their own themes, which were “Titanic,” “Ghostbusters,” “Dirty Dancing,” “Willy Wonka” and “Little Rascals.” The winner was the “Willy Wonka” performance. This team was made up of Phi Mu, Kappa Sigma and Theta Chi who were also the first place winners for the week. Cierra Heckmann, a senior kinesiology major who played Willy Wonka in their performance shared what winning the evening was like knowing it will be her last stepshow.
“It feels really good to win honestly,” said Heckmann. “Coming from a senior, it feels really good to end the semester on a note like this and to know that all the hard work we put in and late nights, tears and sweat was worth it in the end.”
Alec Jones, a junior marketing major and the one who played Roomie in their performance also talked about what the win meant to him and what he specifically liked about performing in the show.
“Last year, it was prolonged because of the flood,” said Jones. “We started this year with a flood too, so there was a lot of setbacks for us, but it’s always good to come out on top. I really like the adrenaline, but hey, that might be just me. I think this is my third one. It’s something I really like to do. It’s something to get me away from my normal life and give me something different, so it’s definitely a lot of fun.”
Jones then shared what the show means to him and how he feels Greek Week benefits those who participate.
“I think Greek Week isn’t just about individual teams,” said Jones. “Honestly, I think it’s just about every Greek coming together. We see a lot of faces we don’t see normally during the school year and that’s really what it’s all about. Just getting everyone together.”
Heckmann also talked about what representing her sorority onstage means to her and what she particularly enjoyed about participating in Greek Week.
“It really is a one of a kind experience to not only perform but to do it for something you hold so close to your heart like your fraternity or sorority,” said Heckmann. “And you know winning’s always a plus. Making memories with your friends and other organizations and making memories with people that you didn’t know before and growing in relationship with people not in your sorority or not in your fraternity is really what I think this is all about. It was a really good final Greek Week for me. I can say honestly I’ll miss it all.”
The second place winners were Sigma Sigma Sigma, Kappa Alpha and Alpha Phi Alpha with their performance of “Dirty Dancing.” Alpha Omicron Phi, Theta Zi and Pi Kappa Alpha placed third with “Little Rascals.”

Willy Wonka guides Roomie through his legion of Oompa Loompas in the Greek Stepshow.
Nathaniel Callaway/The Lion's Roar

Alpha Omicron Pi, Theta Xi, Kappa Alpha and Sigma Gamma Rho placed third with their “Little Rascals” performance for Stepshow.
Nathaniel Callaway/The Lion's Roar

The winners of the Greek Week Stepshow Phi Mu, Kappa Sigma and Theta Chi, who had the theme of “Willy Wonka,” pose with the golden ticket of their creation and their first place trophy
Nathaniel Callaway/The Lion's Roar

Kappa Alpha, Sigma Sigma Sigma and Alpha Phi Alpha placed second with “Dirty Dancing.”
Larshell Green/The Lion's Roar

Delta Tau Delta, Theta Phi Alpha and Zeta Phi Beta perform “Titanic” for the Greek Stepshow as the dancers hold up Rose while Jack looks on reenacting the door scene on stage.
Nathaniel Callaway/The Lion's Roar