President of Order of Omega Katie Williams, right, looks to block the ball in the volleyball tournament that kicked off Greek Week. Phi Mu, Kappa Sigma and Theta Chi won first place in the tournament.
Nikisun Shrestha/The Lion’s Roar
Greek Week began with a volleyball tournament and cupcake eating competition last week. The contest took place in Greek Village.
President of Order of Omega Katie Williams explained how the events started.
“Order of Omega puts on Greek Week and Greek Week decides on what events we’ll do and sets the rules of the events,” said Williams. “Order of Omega is an honor society full of the top three percent of the Greek life, juniors and seniors. They organize the event and come to events.”
Phi Mu, Kappa Sigma and Theta Chi won first place in the volleyball tournament followed by Sigma Sigma Sigma, Kappa Alpha Order and Alpha Phi Alpha in second place while Alpha Omicron Pi, Sigma Gamma Rho, Pi Kappa Alpha and Theta Xi placed third. President of Kappa Sigma Alec Jones described how he felt with the victory in the volleyball tournament.
“It feels good to win when all the organizations and teams are even, especially with how close the competition is this year,” said Jones. “We’ve had a lot of times in the last couple of years where Greek Week was really close and we didn’t expect the winners to be who they were. Winning is definitely a good start to the week. I’m honestly surprised we beat Alpha Omicron Pi ‘A,’ which is very good for us but that is the challenge we had. We came out on top and I’m proud honestly.”
In the cupcake eating competition, Kappa Alpha Order, Sigma Sigma Sigma and Alpha Phi Alpha took first place. Alpha Sigma Tau, Sigma Tau Gamma and Phi Mu Alpha came in second and Delta Tau Delta, Theta Phi Alpha and Zeta Phi Beta got third. Third place winner David Nicoletti of Delta Tau Delta explains his experience.
“It was my third time doing it,” said Nicoletti. “So, I had a good time. I came in third, so I was a little bit disappointed. It was definitely overall a good experience. I was happy to participate. Hopefully, I take the W next year, final time, I’ll be a senior. Hopefully, I’ll win that time.”
Williams described the objective behind hosting such an event.
“Our main goal for this week is raising the money for Southeastern Food Pantry,” said Williams. “Monday night we do Give Back at La Carreta and also just to encourage positive Panhellenic involvement. It gives you the chance to meet people you’ve not met before in Greek life.”
This year Greek Week will see one major change.
“This year, the only big change we had was we made the dodge ball tournament,” said Williams. “We were originally gonna do kickball but the rain affected it. So we kept the dodge ball tournament and we added another fraternity to participate this year. For most part, it’s been the same.”
Jones describes this event as a very enjoyable experience for him.
“Every year I love it,” said Jones. “This is probably my favorite part of the year. Just to see everyone bring out their stuff and coming together to have fun, it’s definitely a lot better than what most schools have. All of us at Southeastern are very close and that’s what I like.”
The week began with on a good note. If the weather does not intervene, the plans are set for the week.
“I think Greek Week definitely started off with a good showing,” said Nicoletti. “Usually, I’m not gonna lie, a little bit bigger. I think the inclement weather threw things off out of bounds. There’s still a good number of people here having a good time. We have some new ones out here just enjoying themselves. Starting Greek Week of Spring ‘17 on the right foot.”

Kappa Alpha Order, Sigma Sigma Sigma and Alpha Phi Alpha won the first place in the cupcake eating competition which took place
on Sunday, Apr. 2.
Nikisun Shrestha/The Lion’s Roar

Greek Week began this past weekend with the volleyball tournament. Following the competition, participants of various Greek organizations took part in the cupcake eating contest.
Nikisun Shrestha/The Lion’s Roar