President of CAB McKenzie Tolson welcomed interested students in the first CAB meeting held on Sept. 6. Nikisun Shrestha/The Lion’s Roar
Campus Activities Board is tasking students in being more involved on campus by being educated in event planning.
“In order to become a member of CAB, students must go on our website, www.selu.edu/cab, and fill out either a General Board or CAB Committee application,” said Vice President of Membership for CAB Katlyn Daigle. “As far as recruitment goes, CAB has had tables set up throughout orientation and during various events that have been held on campus so far this semester where we have advertised CAB and gotten students interested in getting involved to put their emails down so that we could later send them information regarding CAB.”
Daigle said students could also have their interest expressed face to face. Their first official meeting was on Wednesday, Sept. 6 at 5 p.m. in the Student Union Room 2203. However, students still have the opportunity to be recruited.
“We recently held our CAB Interest meeting, which was open to all Southeastern students where these students were able to come and get information as well as interact with our CAB Executive Board members,” said Daigle. “However, we will be recruiting all year round.”
President of CAB McKenzie Tolson expressed why recruiting new members is important.
“Right now, we have eight people to work in this office,” said Tolson. “There’s a lot of work to do and not enough people. We also wanna have a broader scope of the campus. Eight of us don’t see every aspect of campus and can’t cover what every student wants to see.”
Through CAB, students can be involved in planning various events on campus.
“The students will definitely be involved in many of our traditional events like Southeastern’s Birthday, Gumbo YaYa, Strawberry Jubilee and our monthly movie nights,” said Daigle. “On top of these, CAB tries to host about one event a week that they can volunteer to be involved in.”
Tolson described the structure of CAB and how it works.
“First, we’ve got a general board and a committee team set up,” said Tolson. “General Board is mainly for people to put in their ideas. Then for the committee, we have a marketing committee, which will market our events. They will work directly with our vice president of public relations. Then we have our events and planning committee. We have a pretty intensive procedure for planning the events.”
The opportunity to become a CAB member has a number of benefits. Daigle explained how being in CAB helped her.
“I am a perfect example of many ways it can benefit someone,” Daigle said. “I started out as a member of CAB my freshman year of college. As a committee member, I was able to work closely with the Executive Board members and fellow students at Southeastern. I made many connections to these people and made a few good friends, which was my main goal as a freshman. I then was offered a job working for CAB as an Executive Board member since I knew the basics and many of the people. I now not only have a job as the vice president of membership but have a new family to turn to if I need to. I have my CAB family, and I hope that each new member who joins CAB feels as if they are part of this family as well.