This year’s “Swamp Bowl” is organized in collaboration with Univeristy Housing and Dining Services’ “Fais Do Do.” The event is free of charge, and registration can be completed through imleagues.com. File Photo/The Lion’s Roar
Students are invited to blow off some steam ahead of finals week at this year’s “Swamp Bowl.”
Associate Director of Operations & Facilities Jean Bernard explained the changes to this year’s “Swamp Bowl.”
‘“Swamp Bowl’ is happening in conjunction with ‘Fais Do Do’ on Thursday, May 3,” said Bernard. “‘Fais Do Do’s’ a traditional housing event that they do. We’re combining this year to do them both together. While their event is going on with crawfish and food and drinks, we have our mud volleyball tournament going on right by our building. We begin at 3 p.m. that day.”
Bernard explained how the collaboration with University Housing came about.
“In the past, we’ve done an event called ‘REC Fest’ that had crawfish,” said Bernard. “That was the basis of it, that we’d do crawfish in games with music, and that’s essentially what they’re doing in ‘Fais Do Do’ as well. So, we figured we’ll just do them at the same day and get as many students as we can in both the events.”
Participants can register for the event at imleagues.com. There has been a change to the cost of registering for this year. While registration charged $10 in the past, which covered the T-shirt of the event, this year there will be no fees charged. This year, the Intramural Champions shirts will be handed to the winners.