Fresh Peer Educators Educating Peers (Fresh PEEPS), along with student volunteers, met in the Student Union to participate in the Big Butt initiative. The group picked up cigarette butts around campus last Wednesday from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.
The purpose of the event was to rid the campus of as many non-biodegradable cigarette butts as possible, as well as to raise tobacco awareness throughout campus. All volunteers received free t-shirts and refreshments.
“The event really exceeded my expectations,” said Annette Baldwin, Fresh PEEPS advisor. “I was glad to see so many students come out and volunteer to pick up butts. I was also surprised about some of their comments about how the event increased their awareness of what cigarette butts are doing to our campus.”
Fresh PEEPS is a branch of PEEPS, student alcohol awareness group which focuses specifically on promoting awareness of the different aspects of tobacco. This particular event was focused on the environmental issues of smoking, and over 100 students participated.
“I joined Fresh Campus because I want people to be aware of the dangers accompanied with smoking,” said senior Rachael Haas, majoring in communication sciences and disorders. “Fresh Campus offers knowledge about tobacco use and gives it a fun twist to get people involved.”
Volunteers were able to fill 31 gallon sized bags with cigarette butts in only five hours. Several students commented on how they hadn’t realized just how many were lying around campus.
“I love doing Fresh Campus events because they show you how many cigarettes are just lying around,” said junior Ryan Pattison, business administration major. “After picking up some of the cigarettes today, I was walking to class and began to notice them more and more. I would’ve never thought there was that many just lying around on the ground.”
Some students credited their willingness to help to their love of Southeastern.
“It was a love lesson,” said sophomore Kamah Wilson, majoring in social work. “If you fall in love with this campus like I did, then you’re going to want to pick up a bottle, a piece of paper or a cigarette butt. I want to be able to sit somewhere and enjoy the beauty of this campus.”
For more information contact Baldwin at [email protected] or visit Fresh PEEPS’s Facebook page.