On Thursday, Sept. 1, sections 3 and 5 of the University Center will be reserved for the Southern Hip Hop Festival. Promoters state they expect up to 7,000 attendees at this concert and are inviting them to park in all areas around campus. For more information about this, contact the University Center at 985-549-3818.
On Wednesday, Sept. 7, approximately 20 parking spaces on North Spruce Street Extension will be reserved for a Louisiana Athletics Association board meeting in the Dugas Center. For more information about this, contact the Lions Athletic Association at 985-549-3495.
On Monday, Sept. 12, approximately 20 parking spaces on North Spruce Street Extension will be reserved for a Louisiana Athletics Association board meeting in the Dugas Center. For more information about this, contact the Lions Athletic Association at 985-549-3495.
On Tuesday, Sept. 13, the parking areas around the Pennington Student Activity Center and the Cate Teacher Education Building will be reserved for Northshore College and Tangi Nights event in the Pennington Student Activity Center. For more information about this, contact the Office of Admissions at 985-549-5882.
On Thursday, Sept. 15, the Hammond High School Summit will be held in the Cate Teacher Education Building. Event attendees will be parking around the TEC.
On Saturday, Sept. 17, the Tour de Tangi will be held. The Driving Range and Cook Field parking lots will be reserved for this event on Friday, Sept.16, and throughout the weekend. Sections of University Avenue will be temporarily blocked for this event on Saturday and Sunday.
Students and employees are encouraged to take these temporary changes into consideration when making travel and parking plans for these dates. For more information about parking on campus, please contact the University Parking Office at 985-549-5695 during regular University operating hours or by email at [email protected]. – Courtesy of University Parking