Kinchen connects to van Gogh

Diamond Hollins, Staff Reporter

After a trip to France, Vice President of the French Club James Kinchen decided to discuss the life of Vincent van Gogh to celebrate International Education Week.

Kinchen’s talk, “From Aries to Auver-Sur-Oise,” was held on Nov. 15 at 3:30 p.m. in Student Union Ballroom A.

“It is important for people to look at van Gogh from a different angle and to see his art and the culture of his art from a completely different perspective,” said Kinchen. “I feel like people are so into his art today that they don’t really understand him and how he made his art unique.”

Kinchen shared how he can relate to van Gogh.

“I can definitely identify with Van Gogh because a lot of my life I have always been an outcast and sort of the black sheep,” said Kinchen. “I know what it’s like to not truly know who you are, and so I feel like we share a connection.”