Using a passion for art as a creative outlet

File Photo/The Lion’s Roar

Students can find outlets like painting or coloring to spark their creativity or to relax. This can be done alone or in groups at events.

Many people live with a 9-to-5 job, but a lack of creativity could lead to a mundane life.

While some people’s entire lives revolve around creativity, others enjoy having a creative outlet as a hobby.

Faculty members formed the band Impaired Faculties to combine their musical talents and have fun together outside of the office.

Although the band members no longer play together, they are all still finding that creative outlet.

“Impaired Faculties is on indefinite hiatus,” shared William Robison, head of the Department of History and Political Science. “Ralph Wood and I are playing in a new band called Snake Hat with Ralph’s wife Angie and Jim Worthen. Meanwhile, Joe Burns is in a band called Papa Legba. Randy Settoon is working on songs with his old band Rokbox, and Dan McCarthy is busy being a dean.”

In his experience, Robison has found that it is possible to manage work and play.

“We rehearse when school is not meeting,” said Robison. “It actually helps that we have a four and a half day schedule because we will rehearse on Friday afternoon after school closes or in the evening.”

Robison shared why having a creative outlet is important to him.

“It’s just so satisfying,” stated Robison. “I think creative outlets make you a little more human. It stirs your brain up. I couldn’t imagine not doing it. I’d go crazy.”

Although Piper Y’Barbo, a freshman art major, loves her art, she feels undecided about the nature of her art.

“I love drawing, and it’s always going to be a big part of my life, but making a career out of what you love can sometimes be incredibly difficult,” shared Y’Barbo. “Combining a career with a hobby, for me, led me to animation where animators supposedly have a large, steady wage. I’m just in the beginning of the art program, and I’m loving all of it. If I don’t head into the animation career, I’m sure I’ll have mentors ready to help guide my decision.”

Burns, professor of communication and former member of Impaired Faculties, has developed his love for music since childhood.

“I cannot remember a time when I wasn’t doing something with music,” explained Burns. “My mother tells me that even when I was in preschool, I would sing for show and tell day. My father had a uke, and mom had a guitar, and I just took them over. I learned piano, sax, tuba, banjo and some mandolin along the way. When it occurred to me that I wasn’t going to be a rock star, I chose to go into radio. I just wanted to be close to the music.”

Burns finds himself at his happiest during the creation process.

“That’s where the magic happens,” shared Burns. “The final product is nice, but it’s done. Let’s get on to the next thing.”