Women’s History Month: Honoring my homegrown inspiration

Trinity Brown/The Lion’s Roar

Treasure Brown poses at her white coat ceremony at Meharry Medical College. For Trinity, her bond with her sister has uplifted and inspired her.

As a kid, when asked, “who do you want to be like when you grow up?” or “who inspires you?” most kids would say a celebrity or even their parents, but for me, it was always my sister.

My sister, Treasure Brown, has always been an inspiration to me and is one of the first women to help me understand what it takes to be successful.

Growing up in the same home five years apart has made it very easy for me to let her lead by example. I watched her through all her trials and tribulations, as well as her achievements.

Treasure has always carried me through each of my problems, even when she dealt with her own. She was transparent when she made a mistake and never created a false sense of hope for any of her dreams. 

This, in turn, always caused me to look within my own dreams and reality to know the difference and figure out how to navigate between the two. Because of her, I know it is okay to fail or get hurt because sometimes that will happen. But I also know I must be willing to push harder and try again no matter the fear I may have. 

She graduated from one of the top high schools in the state, Baton Rouge Magnet High School, with a pristine academic record. She went on to obtain her bachelor’s degree in biology from Louisiana State University on multiple scholarships. 

Once she decided on a career in dentistry, Treasure was accepted into Meharry Medical College in Tennessee. She is participating in the F. Edward Hébert Armed Forces Health Professions Scholarship Program. Students who receive this scholarship have their medical school paid for but must serve in the military after graduation. 

As you can see, my sister has set the bar pretty high, and I think that in itself is every reason to use her as an inspiration to anyone who knows her credentials. 

She is a kind and hard worker, but most of all, she has taught me to be resilient and passionate about all the endeavors I choose to pursue while she has cheered me on in the stands.

Even when I fall, I never have to worry about falling too low because I know my sister will be there to uplift me. 

There is a phrase that Hallmark cards and sweet Instagram posts use all the time that usually says, “Sisters by chance, best friends by choice,” but in this case, we definitely never had a choice because I always knew we were destined to be both.