Know the rules

Diamond Hollins/The Lion’s Roar

The Office of Student Advocacy and Accountability set up a table in the Student Union Breezeway to inform students about the university policies and the Student Code of Conduct.

The Office of Student Advocacy and Accountability aimed to educate students on the university policies and the Student Code of Conduct with “Know the Code.”

Sabrina Ward, a senior family and consumer sciences major, set up a table in the Student Union Breezeway on Jan. 30 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.

The office holds “Know the Code” at the beginning of every semester.

“Students should know their rights and responsibilities on campus,” shared Ward. “They should also know the rules on campus for not only their safety but the safety of others around them.”

The university policies and the Student Code of Conduct can be found online.