Students seek employment at ‘Part-time Job Fair’

Shaelyn Martinez/The Lion’s Roar

Jadyn Mumphrey, a junior family and consumer sciences major, speaks with a representative from Salad Station about employment opportunities.

The Student Union Breezeway was filled with venders from around Hammond, as students walked through, to promote their businesses for the “Part-time Job Fair.”

Vendors and students came together on Thursday, May 2 from 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. for this semesterly event.

The Office of Career Services organized the event, which was filled with employers such as Avon, Buffalo Wild Wings, Lowe’s Home Improvement and Target.

Kim Readlinger, a career counselor, helped step up the area for the universities students to look for part-time jobs and connections.

“The goal of the “Part-time Job Fair” is for the students to obtain summer employment” explained Readlinger.” A lot of organizations are hiring positions, so we have about 44 companies who are out here looking for people.”

Readlinger also feels that these jobs will not only be for the summertime but can continue on to the future semesters to help students with the financial burden of college.

According to Readlinger, most of the vendors are interested in getting involved on campus and contact the office of career services to reserve their booth.

“The event is free of charge, and a lot of time, it’s the same ones that visit us.” stated Readlinger. “We do have promotional emails that we send out that advertise, but it is based off a first-come basis because of the limited amount of space that the union has.”

Students could attend by throughout the day to work around their class schedule.

“The students can come as they are and can be dressed as they are, dressed casually, in and out between classes to meet employers,” said Readlinger.

Readlinger feels the students enjoy this event because it gives them an opportunity to see multiple employers at once.