Dashain: celebration of victory of good over evil

Dashain: celebration of victory of good over evil

Maggie Tregre/The Lion’s Roar

Nepalese Students at Southeastern organized Dashain celebration on Saturday Oct. 19 at the War Memorial Student Union Ballroom. Dashain is a festival celebrated in Nepalese culture and celebrates the victory of good over evil. The event included performances by students, door prizes and Nepalese food.

Basanta Khakurel, a junior biological sciences major. Maggie Tregre/The Lion’s Roar


Silvin Pradhan, a freshman computer science major, and Avash Mishra, a junior computer science major. Maggie Tregre/The Lion’s Roar


Amrit Subedi, a senior computer science major receives Tika from Bikash Subedi, a senior computer science major. Maggie Tregre/The Lion’s Roar


Sunidhi Sehgal, a freshman criminal justice major, receives door prize from Dr. George Gibson, advisor of NSAS. Maggie Tregre/The Lion’s Roar


Nishma Maskey, a senior computer science major, recieves Tika.  Maggie Tregre/The Lion’s Roar