College of Nursing and Health Sciences introduces a new advancement to learning

Gabrielle Wood/The Lion’s Roar

Dr. Ryan Green, assistant professor of kinesiology and health sciences, demonstrates the use anatomage table. An anatomage table is an advanced virtual 3D dissection table that allows a better view of the human anatomy.

The College of Nursing and Health Sciences have made upgrades with a new anatomage table for students to learn more about the human body. 

An anatomage table is an advanced 3D virtual dissection table that allows easier access to viewing the anatomy of the human body. 

Dr. Ryan Green, assistant professor in the Department of Kinesiology and Health Studies, described the anatomage table’s full abilities. 

“An anatomage table is a virtual dissection table, almost like a big fancy iPad with the ability to look at different areas of the body,” said Green. “Students will be able to have an in-depth look at different layers and organs almost as if it were in person. There are four different bodies to study, being both male and female genders.”

Nursing and health studies students will have the opportunity to learn from real human anatomy.

“The body that you see on the anatomage table came from an actual person and real body parts,” shared Green. “The body was frozen for images that you can see of a subject who had volunteered, all deceased and tweaked so that their faces aren’t easily recognized.”

Green explained where students and faculty members will have access to the table. 

“The anatomage table will be in the athletic training lab and can be useful for both lectures and lab courses,” said Green. “I can show pictures, but the real way to learn is to be able to experience it and see what is being demonstrated. The level of understanding will be that much greater.”

With a new perspective to learning, Green feels the anatomage table can expand beyond nursing and health studies. 

“The anatomage table will not only be beneficial to students but to faculty members as well,” shared Green. “I believe this will be a great experience to be able to collaborate not only within our department, but with others as well, such as engineering.” 

Green shared how the anatomage table will be beneficial to the university as a whole. 

“We are very fortunate to have this great tool now, and this can also be seen as a great recruiting tool for the university,” mentioned Green.