Narro and Burns receive grant to livestream performances

File Photo/The Lions Roar

Instructor of saxophone Brina Bourliea Faciane points towards Billy Mizzell, a freshman music major, during lecture. One of the topics Bourliea Faciane covered was the position of the tongue when playing a saxophone.

During the spring semester, the Louisiana Board of Regents awarded a fully funded grant to the university for approximately $75,000. 

The grant is being used to purchase sound equipment to assist with KSLU’s livestreamings of music concerts and other campus events. 

Amber Narro and Joe Burns, professors for the Department of Communication and Media Studies, co-wrote the grant proposal together. Narro noted that the collaboration between KSLU and the Department of Music and Performing Arts has been useful for both sides. 

“It’s a beautiful win-win because we stream it on KSLU, so we get a lot of attention and exposure for the radio station,” detailed Narro. “But then they also get their content streamed. It’s really a nice thing that we’ve been able to partner with the department.”

One benefit of livestreaming concerts is the opportunity for students to showcase their talents through a new medium, according to Narro. 

“It has presented us an awesome opportunity to allow these students to share their passions with their friends and families when they otherwise might not be able to,” expressed Narro. “We have people watching from literally all over the world because a lot of the students who are performing are not from here they’re international students, even.”

Narro explained that livestreaming has been a learning experience for all the professors and members of the staff involved. 

“While we were excited, we also knew that it was going to be a lot of work on the other end,” shared Narro. “It takes a commitment to do this and to ensure that things are going to be as best as they can be. We want to represent Southeastern well — our students, as well, to give them appreciation for their hard work through livestreaming something the audience can enjoy.” 

Michael Brothers, director of jazz and percussion studies, collaborated with Narro to stream the music department’s concerts for the fall semester. 

“Anything where we have a windblown instrument, because of the current state restrictions, we couldn’t have a live audience,” explained Brothers. “Only certain types of concerts can have a live audience. Strings, for example or, the other night, percussion and ensemble because there was no singing or wind instruments involved. That’s a very limited number of concerts.” 

Providing a live audience for the music students is the most important benefit of livestreaming, according to Brothers. 

“The music students in this university work really hard,” said Brothers. “Being a music major is not easy it is very demanding. If I had to equate it, it’s like being a med student because of the number of hours involved. You don’t want to put in that kind of work and have no one to share it with. The current situation that we’re all dealing with gave us an opportunity for the students to continue working with their instruments or ensembles.”