Get to know candidates’ platforms

Johnathan Zeringue/The Lion’s Roar

Claudio Franc and Karley Bordelon participate in the debate for students to get to know them better. Both are running for the president of the Student Government Association.

Candidates for the Student Government Association election shared their platforms and future goals at the “SGA Executive Elections Debate.”

The debate was held on Wednesday, April 3 at 6:30 p.m. in Fayard Hall room 107.

Zachary Rogers, coordinator of leadership and service in the Office for Student Engagement, shared that the event served to promote next week’s election.

“Each of the six candidates has the opportunity to present their platform so the student body is well informed before casting their vote,” explained Rogers.

Karley Bordelon, who is running for SGA president, discussed what students could take away from the debate.

“It was important for students to listen to this debate to identify who’s running and get a vibe with how they act with students and how they talk to people,” said Bordelon. “You also can find out what their platform is and what they’re looking to achieve.”

Claudio Franc, who is running for SGA president, shared his hope for the event.

Franc stated, “What I hope that students got out of this is the chance to not only see who’s running for what position and be able to put a face and personality to the name, but as well as listen to what these different candidates have to offer and what these candidates would love to do if elected as the SGA big three.”

Ali Leto, a freshman biological sciences major, shared why she attended the debate.

“These potential candidates are the voice for the students,” explained Leto. “We could see what answers they had to the questions that were important to us as their answers will affect our student body inevitably.”

Polls for the SGA election will open on Monday, April 8 and close Thursday, April 11.