Head to Head: Tom Holland is the most dynamic Spider-Man

Courtesy of Creative Commons

Courtesy of Creative Commons

At this point, I’m not sure if this is an unpopular opinion or not. Either way, I have no doubt or hesitation in putting this out there: Tom Holland has been the best actor cast for the role of Spider-Man.

His involvement in the Marvel Cinematic Universe is one of the primary details that makes him the superior Spider-Man. 

Don’t get me wrong – I have respect for Tobey Maguire and admiration for Andrew Garfield. However, I can never help but feel that fans whose favorite Spider-Man is Maguire only feel that way because he is the original. They cannot help but favor the classic and nostalgic elements that come with that. Frankly, that is not enough for me.

Both Holland’s looks and his talents add so much depth to the character. He is the spitting image of teenage Peter Parker. Additionally, the way in which he delivers each line – whether comedic, desperate or sorrowful – brings the character to new heights. 

Stan Lee himself, the creator of the character and all things Marvel, publicly posted his praise for the casting of Tom Holland as the newest Spider-Man. 

On May 19, 2018, he tweeted, “I think @TomHolland1996 is a great Spider-Man. He is the exact height and age I envisioned when I first wrote Spider-Man. Spidey was never supposed to be too large.”

I have to admit a slight bias on my part. Holland’s debut as Spider-Man was in “Captain America: Civil War” which was released in 2016. I was 15 years old. Captain America was already my favorite Avenger and “Civil War” was my favorite in his trilogy. 

Needless to say, Holland’s appearance in this film alongside so many of the other beloved Avengers and MCU characters produced insane amounts of dopamine and serotonin for me. 

Yumi Domangue

From that point on, seeing Peter Parker and Tony Stark grow closer and form a sort of father-son relationship is all I needed to fall head over heels.

After seeing Holland in “Spider-Man: No Way Home” (twice) and reminiscing on Maguire’s and Garfield’s films, I have gained a newfound appreciation for their portrayals of the young hero. I have been so deeply locked into the MCU movies that I tune out any movie, actor or character that isn’t a part of it.

However, I know now that I’ve been too quick to dismiss the impact Maguire and Garfield have had. Both of their portrayals are, without a doubt, just as legendary as Holland’s. 

Luckily there is a multiverse of characters, including a Spider-Verse, from which one can choose their favorite hero. It’s important to recognize the global impact put forth by Stan Lee and other creators along the way. They have provided inspiration and representation for children and adults alike all across the world. 

With that being said, Tom Holland is still the best and the most dynamic Spider-Man. I will simply no longer defend my opinion by slinging insults at Tobey Maguire or Andrew Garfield. We can all peacefully co-exist.


Editor’s note: This opinion piece is one of three articles in a head-to-head series. Read the opinion piece about Tobey Maguire here. Read the opinion piece about Andrew Garfield here.