Intelligence under a microscope
October 3, 2018
The word intelligence stems from the Latin root “intelligere,” which means to understand. In all honesty, would you say that anyone who simply understands something is intelligent? Probably not. In common opinion, someone with a high ACT score, a 4.0 GPA and a nice IQ would be intelligent.
I think we are finally past the point of minimizing how we view understanding and grasp knowledge based on what we are used to. Intelligence to me is being a step ahead of those around you. If someone has the ability not to just study textbooks, but to study the world around themselves and make predictions for themselves, those people are intelligent. Many people want credit for their “smarty particles” but will not take on the challenge of real life understanding. The world around us is moving faster than light, and we are falling behind. Yes, school is important, and yes, you should study for your exam and do your homework.
The problem here is that these given subjects that we study for all these years will not stick with you throughout your entire life span. Major in life. Teach yourself how to read situations, talk to people, have intelligent arguments, think outside the norms, read a map without some monotone female voice doing it for you, open your eyes, and practice the importance of intellectualism outside of your $200 textbooks that you may have looked at twice this year. This is not a college subject. You need to be the professor of your own life because absolutely no one is going to hold your hand and walk you through it. If I could give an organized chart of my “intelligence” definition, here is what it would look like:
The first topic is reading situations. It is important to know when to avoid something, how to get out of an argument through studying, listen to another person, and know what to say and not so say at specific times.
The second topic is talking to people. It is vital to speak intelligently in your language and maybe even others, approach someone with the correct attitude, and have confidence in what you say at all times.
The third topic is thinking out. Learn to look past the basic knowledge we all know and study ongoing life. Find importance in things the average person will look past every day, and invest yourself in the subject of “street smarts.”
The next topic is arguments. It is best to actually believe what you say. Get to the point of what you say and not drag it along just to lecture, and state unbiased facts to prove yourself and your opinion.
The last topic is mapping. It is important to study the area you live in and areas you know nothing about. Understand general direction and vicinity of where you are or going to, and plan out how you will get somewhere and what to do when you arrive.
This list can go on and on, considering how much our lives have to offer us, or should I say, throw in our faces. Intelligence is not just your ACT score, GPA or IQ. Intelligence is being one step ahead of everyone so you can live your life to its maximum potential.