ELITE Women showcase entrepreneurs
Diamond Hollins
ELITE Women’s first “Pop Up Shop” showcased entrepreneurs with their business products.
November 14, 2018
ELITE Women created an opportunity for entrepreneurs to showcase their businesses and products with the first “Pop Up Shop.”
The “Pop Up Shop” took place on Nov. 13 from 6-9 p.m. in the Student Union Ballroom. Members of ELITE Women encouraged students to attend for a chance to see products that may spark their interest.
According to Vice President of ELITE Women Kayla Monlyn, a junior communication sciences and disorders major, the purpose of the event was to “create a platform to hopefully allow young entrepreneurs to gain some exposure toward their businesses.”
Monlyn explained how ELITE Women spread the word about the “Pop Up Shop.”
“We used our social media outlets and handles like Instagram and asked college students if they knew of any young entrepreneurs who were looking to get exposure in regards to their businesses,” said Monlyn. “We then sent out a mass email to see if those particular people were interested in participating in the event.”
The event brought in 17 entrepreneurs.
Owner of Bayou Charms Brandi Stevens, a junior athletic training major, manned a table of her handmade bracelets. Stevens said that the “Pop Up Shop” created an opportunity for “businesses that are low-key to receive recognition.”
Monlyn hopes to continue holding the “Pop Up Shop.”