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The Official Student News Media of Southeastern Louisiana University

The Lion's Roar

The Official Student News Media of Southeastern Louisiana University

The Lion's Roar

The Official Student News Media of Southeastern Louisiana University

The Lion's Roar


Submission Policies and Procedures

The Lion’s Roar is the official publication of the student of Southeastern Louisiana University. It has been in continuous publication since 1937.

Editorial Statement

Submissions and letters to the editor are encouraged but the editor reserves the right to edit all submissions for grammar, libel, and available space or refuse publication without notice.

We encourage a diversity of voices and views in our letters, organizational news, and submissions.

Submissions must include the author’s full name, and either phone number, email address, or other contact information (not for publication). Faculty and staff members should include their title and department. Students should include their classification and major. Submissions from anyone are welcome but The Lion’s Roar primarily seeks to publish work submitted by Southeastern students. By submitting an article for publication the author understands the submissions will be edited.

All views expressed in The Lion’s Roar are those of the author, or if unsigned, those of editorial staff of The Lion’s Roar. These views should not be interpreted as the views of the administration, faculty, or students of Southeastern Louisiana University.

A single print copy of The Lion’s Roar is free. Additional copies may be purchased for .50 cents in North Campus Main Building, room 154. Annual mail subscriptions are $35 in the continental United States.

The Lion’s Roar in its print form, email newsletter, social media, apps and associated online or digital formats are designated public forums. Student editors have the authority to make content decisions without censorship or prior approval. The Lion’s Roar also defends the rights of student journalists relative to freedom of speech and press as stated in Amendment I of the Constitution of the United States of America.

The Lion’s Roar is published by the students through Student Publications, part of the Division for Student Affairs at Southeastern Louisiana University. The print edition is printed weekly during regular semesters and monthly during the summer semester.

Organizational News

Organizational News space is provided at no charge as a courtesy to University recognized Greek and Student Organizations. The space of such articles is normally limited to 150 words. Submissions for Organizational News must adhere to the same policies as other submissions and letters to the editor, but must also include the name of the organization. University offices, departments, and other functional units may also submit Organizational News.

Submit Organizational News here.

Letter to the Editor

Letters should preferably be 150 to 450 words, should refer to a topic of interest to the community or an article that has appeared within the last thirty days, and must include the writer’s name for publication. No attachments, please.

Letters to the Editor should be exclusive to The Lion’s Roar. We do not often publish open letters or third-party letters and only do so when they provide a clear interest to our community. While letters from anyone are welcome, letters submitted from students, faculty, and staff of Southeastern will receive preference in our publication.

Submit a letter here.

Article Submissions

The Lion’s Roar articles and stories cover a wide range of topics. We are always interested in establishing relationships with new contributors who can help us tell Southeastern’s story.

If you are interested in submitting an article for our consideration, please submit a detailed pitch or finished story. One of the best ways for a potential writer to get our attention is to submit a completed story for us to look at (in the industry, this is known as submitting a story “on spec”). If we like the piece, we’ll consider publishing it. If we pass on it, you’re free to submit it elsewhere.

We have high standards for our writers and photographers. In order to have your submission considered for publication, you must be a good writer, researcher, and reporter and demonstrate the ability to learn The Lion’s Roar’s basic style and scope. We work primarily with writers and photographers who are members of our regular student staff and who do not regularly write or shoot for other media outlets in our market. Our primary goal is to publish work created by Southeastern students, but any member of the campus community is welcome to submit work for consideration. Because of the distinct line between public relations and editorial/news writing, we prefer not to work with contributors who are PR professionals unless identifying the content as “sponsored content.”

Prior to making a submission, look over our Submission Guidelines.

Submit a detailed pitch or a completed article here.

Tell Us About It or Request Coverage

Have something you think we should know about? Maybe you are participating in an event and would like the newspaper to be on hand to cover the action. In either case, use the form here to let us know.

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