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The Official Student News Media of Southeastern Louisiana University

The Lion's Roar

The Official Student News Media of Southeastern Louisiana University

The Lion's Roar

The Official Student News Media of Southeastern Louisiana University

The Lion's Roar

Adults with some college credit but no degree, have been out of college for at least two years and reside in Louisiana can use Compete LA to enroll in courses at a discounted tuition rate and to find the quickest path to graduation.

UL System to empower adults to finish college education

Brynn Lundy, Staff Reporter September 22, 2020

The university is participating in a program created to assist Louisiana adults with returning to college and completing their bachelor’s degrees. Compete LA is powered by the University of Louisiana...

Greek Life organizations have taken the recruitment process virtual this year, creating new opportunities for recruits to engage. Members of sororities and fraternities can choose to reside in the Greek Life Commons.

Adapting to changes: IFC formal recruitment to be conducted virtually

Jordyn Franklin, Staff Reporter September 22, 2020

The Interfraternity Council will be hosting its virtual formal recruitment starting on Sept. 27 through Oct. 1. All IFC Recruitment activities will be conducted virtually through a series of Zoom calls....

"Ring Days with Balfour" is scheduled to be held at the University Bookstore on Sept 21-22 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Buy rings from Balfour

Staff Reports September 16, 2020

The university Alumni Center will be organizing “Ring Days with Balfour” in collaboration with Balfour Company to provide seniors an opportunity to buy rings. The ring sales is scheduled to be held...

The on-campus residence building Cardinal Newman Hall is currently being used as the designated quarantine area for students who have contracted COVID-19. The dorm building is located on the corner of West Dakota Street and North Pine Street.

Cardinal Newman becomes designated building for residential students with COVID-19

Austin Dewease, Staff Reporter September 14, 2020

Cardinal Newman Hall, a co-ed residence hall located on West Dakota Street, houses approximately 96 residents each year. However, this year is different. Starting in the Fall 2020 semester, Cardinal...

Located in D Vickers Hall, The Vonnie Borden Theatre hosts a variety of theatrical performances every year. The 2020-2021 season brings several changes as both audiences and cast members have to adjust to performing during COVID-19.

Vonnie Borden takes on socially-distanced season

Symiah Dorsey, Staff Reporter September 14, 2020

Despite all obstacles presented by COVID-19, the Vonnie Borden Theatre is alive and well for its 2020-2021 season. University students and faculty members have been working to create a safe environment...

A brochure at the University Health Center explains how students can use the telemedical appointment service to test for the coronavirus. Students can also pick up a free mask from the health center.

COVID-19 testing is available at the University Health Center

Trinity Brown, Staff Reporter September 14, 2020

The university has made COVID-19 testing available at the University Health Center and set up  protocols in order to safely test students as fast and efficiently as possible. In order to get tested with...

The Roomie poster in the University Health Center has a mask on. According to the university, as of Sept. 4, a total of 35 students tested positive for the novel coronavirus.

Students and faculty share their experiences dealing with the coronavirus

Brynn Lundy and Maggie Tregre, Staff Reporters September 14, 2020

Ever since its arrival in the United States in January, the coronavirus has impacted the daily lives of many people, including those within the campus community. Prior to the start of the fall semester,...

University prepares for Hurricane Sally

University prepares for Hurricane Sally

Staff Reports September 13, 2020

In anticipation of an upcoming storm, the university announced that effective immediately, the Academic Continuity Plan has switched from “monitor” to “remote” status. The Academic Continuity...

Gov. John Bel Edwards announced that even though Louisiana will move to phase three, CDC guidelines and safety protocols will still remain in place.

Louisiana to move into phase three

Maggie Tregre, Staff Reporter September 10, 2020

The state of Louisiana is set to move on to phase three starting Friday, Gov. John Bel Edwards announced during a news conference on Thursday, Sept. 10. With a plan to reveal more information on Friday,...

Clear masks and face shields are available through the Office of Student Accessibility Services in Tinsley Hall. Students must provide documentation of a disability in order to receive a Face Covering Exemption Card

Student Accessibility Services offers mask accommodations for differently-abled students

Jordyn Franklin, Staff Reporter September 8, 2020

With the recent university mandates, differently-abled students may have issues navigating campus and their classes. Due to certain health conditions, wearing a face mask for long periods of time could...

Students have been adjusting to the new format of hybrid classes, consisting of both classroom time and virtual participation. They shared their experiences with hybrid learning and discussed how the circumstances differ from previous semesters

Hybrid courses: a new academic experience for students

Trinity Brown, Staff Reporter September 8, 2020

After an abrupt closing of campus last spring in March, the university is finally returning to some normalcy by reopening the campus to faculty, staff and students. As most classes are being conducted...

The Democratic and Republican National Conventions were both pushed back from the original dates due to COVID-19. Most of the speeches were delivered over a virtual format. This presidential election will be the first ever election with mail-in votes

Virtual Conventions mark official start of unprecedented 2020 Election Cycle

Dylan Meche, Staff Reporter September 8, 2020

With the conclusion of both the Democratic and Republican National Conventions and the official nominations of Former Vice President Joe Biden and Incumbent President Donald Trump, the 2020 Presidential...

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