Culture Shock: Project P.U.L.L. hosts electrifying set of performances

Philip le Riche

Flipside Dance performs on stage in the Student Union Ballroom at Project P.U.L.L.’s Culture Shock event on April 7.

Last night, Project P.U.L.L. hosted its 90s themed “Culture Shock” event at 7 p.m., showcasing a variety of talents including vocalist Alexis Bridges, rappers “efloW” and Majorloveee, comedian Troy Duchane, poet and Project P.U.L.L. member Samya Harlaux and dance troupe Flip Side. 

Freshman Josiah Fields was the event’s host and Baton Rouge-based DJ PK1 was the master of ceremonies.

The event represented its 90s in decoration, music choice and by the organization calling itself “The Freshmen of Project PULL,” a reference to “The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air,” a popular 90s television show.

Following the 90s aesthetic, audience members were encouraged to dress in fitting attire. 

As a mentoring program, Project P.U.L.L. focuses on providing positive role models for students of color and offering a sense of community, which is why they host events such as “Culture Shock.”

“It was a great event, if you weren’t there you missed something. The best aspect was the people who came out to the show. It’s what it’s all about. We’re all a family over here,” Fields said.

Audience participation was encouraged throughout the event, including dancing and singing along to various 90s pop hits.

Near the latter half of the evening, the audience members were so electrified by the atmosphere that they collectively stormed to the front of the ballroom, some even jumping on stage and proceeding in a group dance.

At the end of the night, awards were given to the various participating acts. One of these was the aforementioned Alexis Bridges, a senior criminal justice major going by the stage name “Nese.”

“I like when we can all get together as a school and have a really good time,” Bridges said.

This is but one of many events Project P.U.L.L. hosts each semester. Most of their events center on student success and include frequent seminars. If one wishes to know more about these events or Project P.U.L.L. itself, one can go to either their social media @sluprojectpull or their website Project P.U.L.L.