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The Lion's Roar

The Official Student News Media of Southeastern Louisiana University

The Lion's Roar

The Official Student News Media of Southeastern Louisiana University

The Lion's Roar

Chinese 101 is now available for students to take in the fall 2020 semester.  This will be the first time the course is offered.  Additional courses Chinese 102 and Chinese 314 will also be available in the future.

Chinese 101 to be offered in the 2020 fall semester

Jordyn Franklin, Staff Reporter April 30, 2020

During the upcoming fall semester, the university will offer Elementary Mandarin Chinese 101 for the first time. Chinese 101 is the first of two sequential courses that are designed to provide an overall...

Mentors start social media photo contest

Mentors start social media photo contest

Joshua Archote, Staff Reporter April 30, 2020

Project P.U.L.L., a mentoring program aimed to enhance the educational experience of first-year students of color, has started a photo contest on their Instagram page @ProjectPull. The photo contest,...

The ring ceremony is a tradition that celebrates a graduating student's accomplishments. Now that classes are online, the ceremony may have to be conducted virtually.

Ring Ceremony date still not set in stone

Jordyn Franklin, Staff Reporter April 28, 2020

The Southeastern Ring is a symbolic item that represents a student’s four or more years of hard work. Due to the university’s closure, however, graduating seniors and family members may be concerned...

The Columbia Theatre for the Performing Arts is introducing the first Columbia Famous Talent Contest that will be held virtually.

Columbia Theatre introduces virtual talent competition

Maggie Tregre, Staff Reporter April 14, 2020

In accordance with the Stay-at-Home order put in place by Gov. John Bel Edwards, all non-essential businesses, including theatres, are closed to the public until further notice. Hammond’s own Columbia...

University taking advantage of empty campus with spring cleaning

University taking advantage of empty campus with spring cleaning

Jacob Lofton, Staff Reporter April 10, 2020

With the university closed and the majority of students moved out, spring cleaning has come early for the university’s janitorial staff. On March 18, the university switched to 100% online classes....

Participants exercise during the “Barre” group fitness class. “Yoga Flow,” “Silver Sneakers,” Tai Chi and Zumba are among the group fitness classes offered by the Pennington Student Activity Center that have been put on hold during the pandemic.

REC working towards at-home workouts for students

Carter McComack, Staff Reporter April 10, 2020

The closure of all gyms and athletic clubs has impacted the activity level of students and faculty. The University’s Recreational Sports and Wellness Department offers university students full access...

Lions 4 Lions began as a student organization in Spring 2020. The club is dedicated to raising awareness and money for endangered species in the wild.

Lions 4 Lions dedicated to the conservation of endangered species

Joshua Archote, Staff Reporter April 5, 2020

Lions 4 Lions, a club dedicated to spreading awareness of the declining lion population in East Africa, was established on campus at the beginning of the Spring 2020 semester. Students in an Anthropology...

Music courses have had major changes due to the COVID-19 outbreak. All music majors are required to give a performance
every semester for their final grade, but due to the cancellation of school, all spring performances have been cancelled.

A music professor’s take on the transition to online

Gabrielle Wood, Staff Reporter April 2, 2020

Throughout the university, COVID-19 has affected school life and the routine of most classes. Music professors, specifically, have had to make drastic changes during the transition to online classes. Daniel...

Music majors are required to have recitals as a part of their curriculum. Due to the transition to online classes for the remainder of the Spring 2020 semester, all performances have been cancelled.

Recitals for music majors cancelled for semester

Maggie Tregre, Staff Reporter March 26, 2020

Following the procedures put in place by the university, all recitals for music majors will be postponed for the remainder of the spring semester. Jeffrey Wright, department head of music and performing...

CAB plans to entertain students during campus lockdown

CAB plans to entertain students during campus lockdown

Austin Dewease, Staff Reporter March 26, 2020

With the outbreak of COVID-19 causing a global pandemic, there have been numerous changes to student life on campus. Changes include the lock down of buildings across campus, face-to-face classes shifting...

The Columbia Theatre for the Performing Arts closed its doors to the public on March 18 following Governor John Bel Edwards' announcement on March 16 to shut down public schools, casinos and theatres.

Columbia Theatre to suspend all operations

Jordyn Franklin, Staff Reporter March 25, 2020

Following Gov. John Bel Edwards’ press conference on March 16, public schools, casinos and movie theaters all across Louisiana have closed.  As of March 18, the Columbia Theatre for the Performing...

Janine Hatcher, Miss Southeastern 2020, is halfway through the first semester of her reign. Pictured is Hatcher with her family backstage after being crowned at the pageant on Nov. 22.

Keeping up with Miss Southeastern 2020 Janine Hatcher

Jordyn Franklin, Staff Reporter March 22, 2020

On Nov. 22, Janine Hatcher was crowned Miss Southeastern Louisiana University 2020. A tradition dating back to the 1970s, Miss Southeastern is an important fixture on campus. She represents all things...

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