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The Official Student News Media of Southeastern Louisiana University

The Lion's Roar

The Official Student News Media of Southeastern Louisiana University

The Lion's Roar

The Official Student News Media of Southeastern Louisiana University

The Lion's Roar

Students complete schoolwork in the Ascension Hall Marketplace. Honors students living in Ascension Hall who are members of the LLC group are allowed to have in-person meetings in the building.

Honors students conduct in-person meetings

Austin Dewease, Staff Reporter September 8, 2020

The university released a framework of guidelines for student organizations to follow regarding meetings and events in response to COVID-19. The guidelines have been in effect since Sept. 3. However,...

OSE director Marjorie Parker speaks to the audience during the 2019 DSA Convocation ceremony.

OSE director shares screen with Jamie Foxx in Netflix film

Symiah Dorsey, Staff Reporter September 2, 2020

University staff members have many passions outside of their nine to fives, some of which include starring in Netflix films. Marjorie Parker, director of student engagement, shared the screen with Jamie...

Face coverings are required while in any campus building as well as while any students are gathered on campus. Students are encouraged to self-monitor for symptoms of COVID-19 and to stay home if they are sick.

Glimpses of the first week back on campus

Pictures by Symiah Dorsey and Jordyn Franklin, Staff Reporters September 1, 2020

After hosting a variety of virtual events throughout the summer, the Columbia Theatre is planning to host an in-person competition in October. Miss Southeastern 2020 Janine Hatcher will be hosting the event.

Columbia Famous Talent Contest to be held in person

Gabriele Wood, Staff Reporter September 1, 2020

After switching to virtual in the spring, The Columbia Theatre for the Performing Arts will be hosting its first in-person Columbia Famous Talent Show on Oct. 22 at 7 p.m. James Winter, artistic director...

University student registers for Virtual Part-Time Job Fair on The Virtual Part- Time Job Fair was initially scheduled for Sept. 2 but has been moved to Sept. 9 due to the week-long campus closure in anticipation of hurricanes Laura and Marco.

Virtual Part-Time Job Fair moved to Sept. 9

September 1, 2020

Students looking for part-time employment can now interact with dozens of employers from the safety of their homes. Organized by the Office of Career Services, the Part-Time Job Fair will be held virtually...

ACE director Brad Bergeron conducts an ACE session via Zoom in his office at the Center for Student Excellence. Students who are no longer freshmen and do not have a freshman advisor can utilize the CSE’s Academic & Career Exploration program for help in deciding on a major as well as exploring future career options.

New at CSE: Academic coaches aid students in exploring academic and future career options

Brynn Lundy, Staff Reporter September 1, 2020

The Center for Student Excellence is offering “Academic & Career Exploration,” a new service designed to assist and support students who no longer have freshman advisors through their academic...

Governor John Bel Edwards expressed in a radio interview with Brian Haldane that the phase two of reopening will be extended. The official announcement will be made before current phase two expires on Friday, Aug. 28.

Phase Two of reopening to be extended for fourth time

Dylan Meche, Staff Reporter August 25, 2020

During an interview with Brian Haldane this morning on 107.3 talk radio, Governor John Bel Edwards announced his intentions to extend the Phase Two order for the fourth time. While Edwards did not announce...

The Lion Traxx has been operating this semester after taking several precautionary measures. The shuttles will only have two active stops this semester.

Transportation Services’ implements safety measures on all shuttles

Elana Guillory, Staff Reporter August 24, 2020

Over the summer, Lion Traxx implemented new safety precautions following statewide efforts to reduce the spread of the coronavirus on campus.  Capacity on the shuttles has been cut in half, disinfection...

All classes and scheduled activities from Monday Aug. 24 to Friday, August 28 have been cancelled in anticipation of tropical storms Laura and Marco.

University announces closures due to tropical storms

Staff Reports August 23, 2020

The university announced the cancelation of all in-person class activities from Monday, Aug. 24 to Friday, Aug 28 in anticipation of the Hurricanes Marco and Laura. The information was sent out through...

Chris Black and Hannah Perrier create a TikTok for @slu_rec, the TikTok account for the Pennington Student Activity Center.

TikTok is the trend

Dylan Meche, Staff Reporter August 18, 2020

Several university departments and organizations have begun using the popular social media platform TikTok to better engage with students.  According to Sensor Tower, the platform has become one of...

The Pennington Student Activity Center has added different equipments for students to use. A MAtrix Aura 8-Stack Multi Gym, two rowers and an Inspire Cardio Strider are among the new collection.

Fitness Room now offers new equipment

Jordyn Franklin, Staff Reporter August 18, 2020

At the beginning of July, the Pennington Student Activity Center began offering access to a new set of equipment in the Fitness Room.  The purchasing process began around two years ago, and the new...

Cyprus beach

Lions from long distance: International students share their stories

Symiah Dorsey, Staff Reporter August 18, 2020

This semester, the university will see a new type of diversity within its student body: diversity of location. Many international students have returned to their home countries and have made the decision...

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