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The Lion's Roar

The Official Student News Media of Southeastern Louisiana University

The Lion's Roar

The Official Student News Media of Southeastern Louisiana University

The Lion's Roar

Taylor Hall resident contracts COVID-19

Taylor Hall resident contracts COVID-19

Dylan Meche and Elana Guillory, Staff Reporters April 8, 2020

On March 31, the university confirmed that a student who previously resided on campus tested positive for COVID-19. According to the university, the student resided in Taylor Hall during the 2019-2020...

The usually busy dining area of Lee’s Drive-in sits empty after the state put measures in place to slow the spread of the pandemic. The coronavirus COVID-19 outbreak has triggered a collapse in the U.S. workforce with 10 million people losing their jobs in the past two weeks and economists warn unemployment could reach levels not seen since the Depression, as the economic damage from the crisis piles up.

Huge rise in unemployment following COVID-19 outbreak

Maggie Tregre, Staff Reporter April 7, 2020

On March 13, President Trump declared a national emergency due to the outbreak of the novel coronavirus. Preventative measures are already in place to prevent further spread of the virus, including the...

Freshman marketing major Anyree Phillips created a petition for the university to go to a pass/fail system after she noticed some flaws in the online courses. The petition had over 4,000 signatures in three days.

Student-led petition helps prompt change in semester’s grading system

Jacob Lofton, Staff Reporter April 7, 2020

After the university closed face-to-face classes and moved to an online-based setting, it didn’t take long for university student Anyree Phillips, a freshman marketing major, to find some flaws in the...

Sophomore criminal justice major Alyssa Dagostino uses YouTube for her tutoring service provided by the Mathematics Tutoring Lab. Since going to an online only format, the lab is continuing to assist students.

Math lab continues to help students using virtual tutoring services

Gabrielle Wood, Staff Reporter April 7, 2020

Since the transition to online classes, faculty and student workers have had to change from their normal working environments to remote ones. The mathematics department is still trying to assist students...

An error at the university Financial Aid office has resulted in the inaccurate dispersal of aid to students, causing an overpayment of more than $550,000. The university addressed the financial errors and plans to strengthen internal controls to prevent any future mishaps.

University addresses financial aid errors

Brynn Lundy, Staff Reporter April 7, 2020

The state auditor’s office recently released a report revealing that the university’s financial aid department inaccurately dispensed aid to students due to a flaw in the system, resulting in an overpayment...

Student tests positive for COVID-19

Student tests positive for COVID-19

Symiah Dorsey, Staff Reporter March 31, 2020

A campus notice was sent to the university community stating that a resident of Taylor Hall has tested positive for COVID -19. According to the Student Notice’s mass email, the student is believed...

When you're on your own, we are there with you

When you’re on your own, we are there with you

Editorial March 31, 2020

The Lion’s Roar has joined with the Louisiana Press Association and newspapers around the nation with a special front page showing support for our community, and our country, in the battle against coronavirus. As...

Along with a shortage in personal protective equipment, North Oaks is also experiencing a critically low blood supply. According to Melanie Zaffuto, North Oaks’ public relations coordinator, the hospital has tested hundreds of patients for the coronavirus using an outside reference lab.

North Oaks Hospital preparing for COVID-19

Josh Archote, Staff Reporter March 31, 2020

North Oaks Health System, a community hospital organization, has made several efforts to adapt to the coronavirus pandemic and prepare for a potential onslaught of new patients. As COVID-19...

While students complete coursework through online classes, buses and schools alike sit unused at Dutchtown High School.

Education in isolation: School teachers are still spreading knowledge during global pandemic

Jacob Lofton, Staff Reporter March 31, 2020

On March 13, parents, teachers and students were notified of a state-wide closure of all Louisiana public schools until April 13. Since then, teachers have moved to online classroom settings and...

DSA staff member Lorraine Peppo puts her 2-year-old son, Jacob, down for a nap as she also works from home remotely. Many faculty, staff and students of the university are finding themselves unexpectedly juggling parental duties at the same time they attempt to manage academic or professional responsibilities from home.

Parents face new challenges with school, work and home

Brynn Lundy, Staff Reporter March 31, 2020

As many continue to face changes in their daily routines, much of the campus population must now learn to balance work and home life differently. Many teachers and students at the university have children...

Since the NCAA authorized a dead period for all sports, there will not be a champion in any spring sports.

Fremin and Hayes disappointed, seasons ends early

Gerard Borne, Staff Reporter March 25, 2020

After the National Collegiate Athletic Association, otherwise known as the NCAA, suspended all spring sports effective immediately through April 15, the university’s athletic programs had to make drastic...

Beginning Wednesday, March 18, face-to-face classes are being delivered remotely. Face-to-face classes were cancelled from Friday, March 13 to Tuesday, March 17.

Instructors’ perspectives on online transition

Brynn Lundy, Staff Reporter March 24, 2020

University students, faculty and staff have had to adapt to daily changes in both their education and lifestyle. Due to the COVID-19 global pandemic, university courses have transitioned to...

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