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The Lion's Roar

The Official Student News Media of Southeastern Louisiana University

The Lion's Roar

The Official Student News Media of Southeastern Louisiana University

The Lion's Roar

Freshman guard Alexius Horne brings the ball down court against Lamar University. Horne finished with 13 points, one rebound and one assist.

Lady Lions open Southland Conference play with a loss

Gerard Borne, Staff Reporter December 18, 2019

The Lady Lions losing ways continued on Wednesday night against Lamar University with a final score of 65-57. With the loss, Southeastern fell to 3-6 and opened up Southland Conference play in the loss...

Oliver is a therapy dog who accompanies clients going through their speech therapy session.

Canines and Cupcakes spreads positivity

Hailey Bullock, Staff Reporter December 14, 2019

As the university reaches the brink of finals, the health, nursing science department has offered several Christmas-spirited, dog activities to help take the pressure of finals off of the student's minds...

Louisiana Philharmonic Orchestra spreads holiday cheer in Hammond

Louisiana Philharmonic Orchestra spreads holiday cheer in Hammond

Elana Guillory, Staff Reporter December 13, 2019

Along with the holiday season comes holiday festivities, and attending Christmas-themed performances is just one way to prepare for the season. The Louisiana Philharmonic Orchestra performed its annual...

The university's Contemporary Dance Program presented the Emerging Choreographers Project as the first performance held in the newly renovated KHS 153 Dance Studio Theatre. The project consisted of 15 dances choreographed and performed by students.

Emerging choreographers first to perform in renovated dance studio

Brynn Lundy, Staff Reporter December 13, 2019

Choreography project reintroduces a dance studio theatre that has recently completed a long renovation process. Thursday, Dec. 5 at 6 p.m. marked the first performances seen by the KHS 153 Dance Studio...

Templet elected on executive board of LCIRSA

Templet elected on executive board of LCIRSA

Briyana Anderson, staff reporter December 13, 2019

Jason Templet, coordinator of competitive sports, was elected for being on the executive board of the Louisiana Colleges Intramural and Recreational Sports Association this semester. Templet explained...

Dr. Maurin selected as Chief Enrollment Management Officer

Dr. Maurin selected as Chief Enrollment Management Officer

Symiah Dorsey, Staff Reporter December 13, 2019

A new Chief Enrollment Management Officer has been selected within the Office of the Provost. Dr. Kay Maurin, previously the Assistant Vice President for Enrollment Management, received the title change...

Jessica Walker speaks to the audience during the forum. The panel discussed matters concerning the interests of students, faculty and teachers in special education.

Panel discusses issues and challenges in SPED

Briyana Anderson, Staff Reporter December 11, 2019

The College of Education and the Department of Educational Leadership and Technology sponsored the panel “Creating a Market Place of Ideas: Equity Among Special Education Students” on Dec. 10 at 5...

The university will live stream commencement on different media platforms. Multiple changes will be happening to the upcoming Fall 2019 commencement.

Changes in winter graduation ceremonies

Brynn Lundy, Staff Reporter December 10, 2019

The university is presenting a new graduation arrangement for its students and guests. This semester, commencement will be separated into two ceremonies. Both ceremonies will take place in the University...

The Hammond Ballet Company performed ‘The Nutcracker’ last December. The group returns this year with new performers for the ballet.

‘The Nutcracker’ returns to the Columbia

Hailey Bullock, Staff Reporter December 10, 2019

The Columbia Theatre for the Performing Arts will be holding the annual showing of ‘The Nutcracker.’ The fantasy story will be performed by the Hammond Ballet Company on Dec. 13-14 at 7 p.m. James...

Janine Hatcher poses with SGA President Karley Bordelon, Roomie the Lion and Mr. Southeastern Louisiana University Brian Williams at Ring Ceremony.

Hatcher attends first event as Miss Southeastern

Samantha Gambino, Staff Reporter December 10, 2019

The newly-crowned Miss Southeastern experienced her first event as a representative of the university. Janine Hatcher, a senior business administration major, was crowned Miss Southeastern Louisiana...

The Lion 4 Life Launch Party, hosted by the Alumni Association, will be held on Dec. 12. Graduating seniors can bring their friends and family to celebrate their transition from students to alumni.

Seniors prepare to launch into a new chapter

Maggie Tregre, Staff Reporter December 10, 2019

The Lion 4 Life Launch Party is an event that celebrates the graduating seniors as their college careers come to an end. The celebration will take place on Dec. 12 from 2:30-4:30 p.m. at the Alumni...

What are you doing New Year’s Eve?

What are you doing New Year’s Eve?

Samantha Gambino, Staff Reporter December 7, 2019

When the winter seasons roll around, there is one thing on everyone’s mind: Christmas. Christmas is all well and good from a childlike perspective, but what is it really for adults who have to pay for...

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