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The Lion's Roar

The Official Student News Media of Southeastern Louisiana University

The Lion's Roar

The Official Student News Media of Southeastern Louisiana University

The Lion's Roar

The Honors Program at Southeastern has been at the highest enrollment it's ever been at this year. With the new College for Honors, that number is expected to rise even further.

Honors and CSE to merge into new college

Austin O’Brien, Editor-In-Chief February 1, 2023

Southeastern recently announced the possible establishment of a new college, pending board approval in March, to be called the College of Honors & Excellence (CHE). The announcement was made in a Take...

Students and Southeastern athletes have taken note of the multiple broken machines in the gym.

REC renovations affecting students’ workouts

Kate Oborina, Staff Reporter January 31, 2023

The Pennington Recreation Center is a popular place on campus, providing students with various services such as the gym, group classes (dance, barre, stretching), basketball and racquetball courts, as...

Books are stacked in the Meditation Room and a QR code is available for students who are wishing to pray in peace.

New addition to Tinsley: Meditation Room

Samantha Sims, Staff Reporter January 30, 2023

On Jan. 17, Southeastern opened its own Meditation Room located in Tinsley’s Student Lounge. The room allows space for all students to meditate and pray on campus in a quiet environment.  The Meditation...

KSLU Radio has set up their equipment in Cardinal Newman Hall in order to provide listeners with streaming content.

KSLU joins hands with Athletics

Kennith Woods, Staff Reporter January 30, 2023

Southeastern’s long-running FM radio station, KSLU, may soon become part of SLU Athletics. The potential move would add to changes the radio station has experienced over the past year. In 2021, KSLU...

President John L. Crain announces his retirement after 14 years in office.

President of Southeastern announces retirement

Austin O’Brien, Editor-In-Chief January 25, 2023

After 14 years of service to Southeastern Louisiana University, President John L. Crain announced his retirement today to faculty and staff through a “Letter From The President” email. In the letter,...

Members of Alpha Phi Alpha fraternity Inc. leading their annual MLK march. Later on, members led a program in the Student Union Theater.

Alpha Phi Alpha and MISA remember MLK through march and program

Dasyonne Brashear, Yearbook-Editor-in-Chief January 24, 2023

On Jan. 23, the Kappa Nu chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. and MISA partnered to host their annual Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial March and program. Many students and staff marched alongside...

Kobi Painting rejoices as she is announced as the new Miss Southeastern.

Miss Southeastern crown passes to Kobi Painting

Haley Dupre’, Photography Editor January 21, 2023

Junior marketing major Kobi Painting was announced as the 63rd Miss Southeastern last night. Miss SLU 2022 Megan Magri passed her crown to her successor on stage, giving her the title for the new year....

The contestants for the Miss Southeastern 2023 scholarship competition.

Miss Southeastern Q&A: The path to the crown

Haley Dupre, Photography Editor January 18, 2023

In anticipation of the Miss Southeastern 2023 scholarship competition, The Lion’s Roar Newspaper asked each candidate questions about the contest. This year, the Miss Southeastern pageant will be held...

Editor-In-Chief Austin O'Brien

Letter from the Editor: Austin O’Brien

Austin O’Brien, Editor-In-Chief January 17, 2023

To say that I am excited to be the co-editor-in-chief of The Lion’s Roar for my last semester at Southeastern would be an understatement. This position has been a two-year-long goal of mine that required...

Spring 2023 Editor-In-Chief Chloe Williams.

Letter from the Editor: Chloe Williams

Chloe Williams, Editor-In-Chief January 17, 2023

I never thought I would be a part of the legacy of editors-in-chief typing this kind of message out. Of course I daydreamed about it when I started as a staff reporter, but I never thought it would be...

Former Editor-In-Chief Symiah Dorsey

Letter from the Editor: The time has come

Symiah Dorsey, Former Editor-In-Chief January 17, 2023

I’ll let you in on a secret. I was supposed to finish this letter a month ago. I’ve worked at The Lion’s Roar for three and a half years, but somehow this might be one of the hardest stories I’ve...

Friendship Oak with signage and tape surrounding it. The old oak is still undergoing preservation construction which will be affecting on campus traffic.

Traffic around Friendship Circle remains off limits

Ian Stewart, Opinions Editor-in-Training January 15, 2023

As the Spring 2023 semester begins, the Friendship Oak preservation initiative is ongoing, which means pedestrian travel in the area is still restricted due to tree maintenance projects meant to preserve...

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