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The Lion's Roar

The Official Student News Media of Southeastern Louisiana University

The Lion's Roar

The Official Student News Media of Southeastern Louisiana University

The Lion's Roar

Multiple graphics detailing important beliefs and symbols of the pro-life movement were put on display during Southeastern Students For Life's pro-life exposition.

New pro-life organization comes into conflict with SGA event

Kennith Woods, Staff Reporter October 31, 2022

On Wednesday morning, Southeastern Students for Life, a newly-formed pro-life organization on campus, caused an uproar when its social media apparently used an SGA event as publicity to draw more people...

Members of TKE posing for a picture together.

Tau Kappa Epsilon returns to campus

Ian Stewart, Staff Reporter October 26, 2022

Tau Kappa Epsilon fraternity (TKE) is returning to campus for the first time in over a decade. The organization was founded on Jan. 10, 1899, and is one of North America’s largest collegiate men’s...

SLU students give campus Wi-Fi a failing grade

SLU students give campus Wi-Fi a failing grade

Austin O’Brien and Abigail Fischer October 25, 2022

Students and faculty all over campus have reported consistently experiencing internet deficiencies in different buildings throughout their day. There is now a growing chorus of voices advocating for...

The Charles E. Cate Teacher Education Center building standing tall on General Pershing Street.

Grant for B.R.I.D.G.E Project approved: How it will help SLU students and future teachers

Samantha Sims, Staff Reporter October 25, 2022

The College of Education was awarded a $5 million grant to aid in the employment of recent college graduates and the promotion of diversity in the teaching profession through an initiative known as the...

Debbie with a D put on her first of multiple performances before she led discussions on sexual health.

Debbie with a D delivers dazzling drag show and sexual health forum

Kennith Woods, Staff Reporter October 20, 2022

On Wednesday night, a vibrant and joyful Southeastern crowd gathered in the Student Union Theater for the event “Birds, Bees, and Debbie with a D,” a combined drag show and public health forum dedicated...

Members of the Lavender Lions club and attendees enjoy the National Coming Out event on October 11th in the Student Union Breezeway.

Students show pride during National Coming Out Week

Rachel Folse, Staff Reporter October 17, 2022

Lavender Lions, an organization on campus for the LGBTQIA+ community and allies, and Multicultural and International Student Affairs hosted three events during National Coming Out Awareness Week, taking...

Winners of the 2022 Lip sync battle Alpha Sigma Tau and Theta Chi lion up as they celebrate their win. The team won first place with their Jumanji themed dance and lip sync routine.

Lip Sync Battle in the jungle

Ian Stewart, Staff Reporter October 7, 2022

Homecoming 2022 brought students to the jungle for the Lip Sync contest last night at the University Center from 8-10 p.m. Students got to get a taste of what their campus’ organizations had to offer.  The...

Dr. Crain and members of NPHC cutting the ribbon at the opening ceremony of their plot dedication. This project has been in the works for five years and can now be seen at Student Union park.

NPHC receives their plots on campus after five year process

Dasyonne Brashear, Staff Reporter October 4, 2022

The National Pan-Hellenic council held a plot dedication ceremony yesterday in Student Union park as a part of Homecoming week. Southeastern sent out a notice regarding this ceremony on Oct. 3 explaining...

With the Career Fair, students like Jordan Armand had an option between 162 employers to have an interview with.

Career Fair 2022

Hydee Holsapple October 4, 2022

On Sept. 29 Career Fair was held in the REC Center on campus. According to Craig Marinello, manager of student employment and internship development, 162 employers and around 1000 students were in attendance.  With...

Southeastern announces members of the 2022 Homecoming court with the member of the Sweetheart and Beau courts.

The road to royalty: 2022 Homecoming court Q&A

Haley Dupre, Staff Reporter October 4, 2022

  The Lion’s Roar asked members of the Sweetheart and Beau Courts to provide input on their memories at Southeastern. TLR: What is your favorite part about Southeastern and why?   Sarah...

With the Active Assailant Training, SLU’s UPD pushes for strong connections and communication with students and faculty.

UPD holds active assailant training

Samantha Sims, Staff Reporter October 2, 2022

On Wednesday the University Police Department held an active assailant presentation for all students and faculty of Southeastern.  UPD hosts the presentation usually once per semester to inform students...

Lionettes performing at the Homecoming tailgate from 2021 in front of Pottle

Make way for Homecoming Week

Ian Stewart, Staff Reporter September 30, 2022

The Student Government Association has been hard at work preparing for the upcoming Homecoming week. Homecoming will take place Oct. 3-8, with the theme “Roomie in the Jungle.” Director of traditions...

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