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The Lion's Roar

The Official Student News Media of Southeastern Louisiana University

The Lion's Roar

The Official Student News Media of Southeastern Louisiana University

The Lion's Roar

The Friends of Sims Library hosted a wine tasting event to raise money for the library. Along with a silent auction and live music, "Wine with Friends" brought members of the community together to raise money for Sims Library.

Library hosts wine tasting fundraiser

Maggie Tregre, Staff Reporter November 9, 2019

A fundraiser continued its prominence at the library this semester. The Friends of Sims Library hosted the 11th annual "Wine with Friends" on Friday, Nov. 8 starting at 6:30 p.m. in Sims Memorial Library. Library...

Veterans share the importance of Veteran’s Day

Veterans share the importance of Veteran’s Day

Jacob Lofton, Staff Reporter November 9, 2019

Veterans Day is a day for giving thanks to those who have served in the military and have fought for America’s freedom.  Margaret Gonzalez-Perez, a political science professor, explained the significance...

Charles Ross preforms his one-man Star Wars trilogy. The one-man Star Wars trilogy was held Nov. 7 at the Columbia Theater.

A galaxy far away comes to the Columbia Theatre

Samantha Gambino, Staff Reporter November 8, 2019

One-man Star Wars trilogy brings in a crowd of old and new fans with one person performing all the roles of the first three movies.  Chalres Ross, a comedian and Star Wars fan, held a one-man Star...

Culture Shocks provides a platform for students’ talents

Culture Shocks provides a platform for students’ talents

Elana Guillory, Staff Reporter November 7, 2019

The 9th annual Culture Shock talent show was hosted in the Student Union Ballroom on Nov. 6 at 7 p.m. Presented by Project PULL, the event showcased the talents of students and alumni. The event’s...

Tyler Hoskins was crowned Mr. Green and Gold 2020 on Nov. 6. Alpha Sigma Tau hosted the pageant as a chapter fundraiser.

Mr. Green and Gold crowned in annual AST fundraiser

Brynn Lundy, Staff Reporter November 7, 2019

Tyler Hoskins, a junior biological science major, was crowned this year’s Mr. Green and Gold in Alpha Sigma Tau’s annual fundraising pageant. The sorority hosted the pageant on Wednesday, Nov. 6...

Following their international tour, Durand Jones and the Indications performed at the Columbia Theatre for the Performing Arts. The concert was sponsored in part by the Alumni Association. Maggie Tregre/The Lion’s Roar

Durand Jones and the Indications perform at Columbia Theatre

Maggie Tregre, Staff Reporter November 7, 2019

Durand Jones, a university alumnus, recently returned to Hammond after touring internationally  with his band, Durand Jones and the Indications. The band performed on ‘Jimmy Kimmel Live!’ on the...

Brian White, a freshman music major, practices on the trumpet. Music majors must practice whenever they can to keep up with their instrument.

Music majors elaborate on the importance of practicing

Brynn Lundy, Staff Reporter November 5, 2019

Aside from taking usual classes, music majors also need to make time for performances, practices and recitals. Not all college students are aware of the level of practice and dedication that accompanies...

Durand Jones performed at the Columbia Theatre with his band, Durand Jones and the Indications, shortly after returning from an international tour.

Durand Jones returns to Hammond

Maggie Tregre, Staff Reporter November 2, 2019

Durand Jones and the Indications performed at the Columbia Theatre on Nov. 1 at 7:30 p.m. after returning from an international tour.  The band performed a combination of their own original music as...

Jazz music was created as a result of the blending of different cultures and their various musical styles. A jazz band typically features a rhythm section as well as instruments like saxophones, trumpets and trombones.

A musical melting pot: Louisiana’s original art form

Maggie Tregre, Staff Reporter October 31, 2019

Jazz music has been a part of Louisiana’s culture for over a century. Although the first jazz groups originated in New Orleans, there were many different musical influences from other regions of the...

Kat Schepker, Shelby Grantham and Hayden Kimball review lines before a rehearsal. Many actors and actresses suggest practicing lines as a group to catch individual mistakes.

Overcoming stage fright: The actors’ perspectives

Jacob Lofton, Staff Reporter October 30, 2019

Some students find it difficult to get in front of their classmates and present material, but the Communication 210 and 211 courses are required general education courses for almost all university students. Alpha...

Audience members stand as the Jazz ambassadors of the U.S. Army field Band performs the national anthem. The orchestra played a selection of songs that reflected the hardships and highlights of World War II.

U.S. Army Field Jazz Band tells the story of WWII

Elana Guillory, Staff Reporter October 29, 2019

The Columbia Theatre for the Performing Arts brought together music and army sentiments through a live jazz performance. The Jazz Ambassadors of the U.S. Army Field Band is a jazz orchestra consisting...

Gemma New, conductor of the performance, conducts the Louisiana Philharmonic Orchestra during Johannes Brahms' "Symphony No. 2." This was the third and final piece played during "Romantic German Masters."

Columbia features Romantic-era composers through the Louisiana Philharmonic Orchestra

Jacob Summerville, Editor-in-Chief October 26, 2019

The walls of a Hammond theater echoed the works of two German composers this fall. The Louisiana Philharmonic Orchestra performed “Romantic German Masters” at the Columbia Theatre for the Performing...

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