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The Lion's Roar

The Official Student News Media of Southeastern Louisiana University

The Lion's Roar

The Official Student News Media of Southeastern Louisiana University

The Lion's Roar

Honors students recognized for their outstanding performances

Prakriti Adhikari May 4, 2018

Senior occupational safety, health and management major Daniel Cuevas recieves an award from Director of the Honors Program Dr. Claire Procopio during the "Honors Recognition Ceremony." The...

Observation of ant-fungus symbiosis

Nikisun Shrestha May 1, 2018

Assistant Professor of Biological Sciences Dr. April Wright will present “Farmers Below Our Feet: How Ants Use Fungus to Shape Ecosystems” as part of the Science on Tap series. The presentation...

Sacabo art showcase in Hammond

Sacabo art showcase in Hammond

Jacob Summerville May 1, 2018

Sacabo’s work, “Woman Looking at the Moon,” is one of many works that uses her unique style called a wet-collodion process.  Courtesy of Tara Bennett In celebration of the works...

Carruth influencing the nursing program

Carruth influencing the nursing program

Jennifer Dettwiller May 1, 2018

For the past six years, Dr. Ann Carruth has held positions as the Dean of Nursing and Health Sciences for the university and is on the board of commissioners at the North Oaks Health System. Carruth...

Training the leaders of SGA

Zachary Araki May 1, 2018

The leadership initiative Next Up offers students a way to become involved in the Student Government Association. SGA decided to run the initiative to boost participation in SGA and train students for...

The great divide: Managing a business and education

The great divide: Managing a business and education

Jennifer Dettwiller May 1, 2018

Senior management major India Williams hopes to continue her photography journey after college and hopes to further young, aspiring photographers. Jennifer Dettwiller/The Lion’s Roar India Williams...

All aboard the struggle bus, affording life and education

All aboard the struggle bus, affording life and education

Annie Goodman May 1, 2018

People from the ages of 18 to 25 seem to be having a hard time with money. But why is that? I think this is a complex issue with multiple contributing factors. As a college student writing for a college...

Behind the royal obsession

Behind the royal obsession

Jennifer Dettwiller May 1, 2018

Years of war and destruction were fought for the American separation from England and their lifestyle. So, why are Americans obsessed with the royal family?  The royals are all the rage lately...

Studying smart for the summer

Studying smart for the summer

Zachary Araki May 1, 2018

To promote the university’s “Summer Smart” program, signs such as the one pictured above can be seen on campus. Zachary Araki/The Lion’s Roar The university looks to continue...

Fellows program to educate

Annie Goodman May 1, 2018

Louisiana’s Office of the Governor has developed the Governor’s Fellows Program in Louisiana Government in partnership with Louisiana State University, Southern University and the Baton Rouge...

Wind Symphony ends its concert season

Wind Symphony ends its concert season

Zachary Araki May 1, 2018

Winner of the 2018 “Kappa Kappa Psi Concerto Competition” Brandon Gordon, top, performs alongside the Southeastern Wind Symphony at the symphony’s last concert of the season. Zachary...

Seeking out witchcraft in Vonnie Borden

Seeking out witchcraft in Vonnie Borden

Jacob Summerville May 1, 2018

Students and alumni participated in “The Crucible,” which depicted the drama of witch trials in 17th century America. Alumnus Justin Davis, left, played Deputy Governor Danforth, and freshman...

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