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The Lion's Roar

The Official Student News Media of Southeastern Louisiana University

The Lion's Roar

The Official Student News Media of Southeastern Louisiana University

The Lion's Roar

The three psychology students standing in front of their inforgraphic at the Southewestern Psychological Association Annual Convention.

After two year study, SLU psych students present results in Texas

Kaitlyn Keppler, Staff Reporter May 9, 2023

Last month, Southeastern psychology students traveled to Frisco, Texas for the Southwestern Psychological Association (SWPA) Convention to present their research on “Student Perceptions of Academic Dishonesty...

Two students perusing books in the lobby of Sims Memorial Library.

Don’t forget to focus on you this finals week

Kaitlyn Keppler May 3, 2023

Exam week begins on May 8 and can cause many students to begin stressing out. To avoid the slump during finals week, here are a few tips and resources Southeastern organizations and students offer to help...

The Mane Dish has many options available for many different diets, but concerns from students are still prevalent.

Thoughts on the Mane Dish from students and staff

Kate Oborina, Staff Reporter May 1, 2023

Southeastern Louisiana University has a variety of food choices for students and employees, from Starbucks, Subway and Taco Bell to the campus’s cafeteria, “Mane Dish.”  The Mane Dish is a...

Jordan Franklin smiling on a sunny day on campus. Franklin will be going to Taiwan after graduating at the end of the semester.

Jordyn Franklin ending one journey and beginning another

Samantha Sims, Staff Reporter April 24, 2023

Life after college can be a stressful time for new graduates. Some have trouble creating a plan for the future and others just go with the flow. One Spring ‘23 graduation senior’s plans after graduation...

LEONet becomes live for advising and class registration

LEONet becomes live for advising and class registration

Hydee Holsapple, Copy Editor April 15, 2023

After nearly two months, the computer system disruption affecting LEONet is coming to a close. LEONet is the medium where students do everything from enrolling and paying for their courses to adding funds...

Dr. Xavier L. Guadalupe-Diaz speaking on transgender intimate partner violence in the United States on the Student Union Theater stage.

Lecture delves into intimate partner violence against transpeople

Yumi Domangue, Staff Reporter and Cartoonist April 5, 2023

Trigger Warning: Includes accounts of intimate partner violence and sexual, physical and emotional abuse. Dr. Xavier L. Guadalupe-Diaz, associate professor of sociology at Framingham State University...

Dr. John L. Crain taking a look at his initial photo from when he first began his presidency at SLU.

President Crain’s Lion legacy coming to a close

Austin O’Brien and Chloe Williams April 4, 2023

Dr. John L. Crain is stepping down after 35 years in higher education and 14 years as president of Southeastern. He is now looking forward to his retirement after successfully shepherding the university...

With Moodle being inaccessible, students had no way of checking their grades, completing assignments or accessing their syllabi to see any important upcoming dates.

Dear Southeastern, we want answers (about the past month)

Kaitlyn Keppler, Staff Reporter March 28, 2023

After weeks of Southeastern students not being able to access Moodle, LEONet and Southeastern email, things finally seem to be going back to normal on campus. While faculty begin to rewrite lesson plans...

Election season brings a fight for a new big three

Election season brings a fight for a new big three

Austin O’Brien, Editor-In-Chief March 27, 2023

With the current academic year beginning to come to a close, SLU’s Student Government Association (SGA) elections are just around the corner. This year, all three major SGA roles have two candidates...

A brochure of Student Accessibility Services is featured alongside a miniature, multicolored Southeastern lion.

New online portal helps meet the needs of students with disabilities

Kennith Woods, Staff Reporter March 24, 2023

Student Accessibility Services (SAS), the office that provides resources for students with disabilities, has implemented Southeastern Accommodate, an online portal for students to submit accommodation...

Share your gratitude at the Big Event

Share your gratitude at the Big Event

Kate Oborina, Staff Reporter March 21, 2023

Each year, students from Southeastern participate in the Big Event, which is scheduled for Saturday, March 25, with a rain date of Saturday, April 1.  An annual service project that benefits the...

Dr. Rob Moreau (left) helps Madison Brady (right) grab a Christmas tree to load on the pontoon. They grabbed recycled trees from a large pile and put them on the boat.

Biology class saving the wetlands one Christmas tree at a time

Hydee Holsapple, Copy Editor March 20, 2023

Dr. Robert Moreau’s general biology class, an environmental awareness course, volunteered to go out to Manchac to restore wetlands with recycled Christmas trees, something he has been doing with his...

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